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King's Entertainment in passing to his Coronation.

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P A R T   O F   T H E

King's   Entertainment

I N   P A S S I N G   T O   H I S

C O R O N A T I O N.

The Author   B. J.

Quando magis dignos licuit spectare triumphos!  Mart.

At Fen-Church.

He Scene presented it self in a Square and Flat Up-
 right, like to the side of a City: the top thereof,
 above the Vent, and Crest, adorn'd with
Houses, Towers, and Steeples, set off in prospective.
Upon the Battlements in a great Capital Letter was in-

L O N D I N I U M:

Annal. l. 14.  

According to Tacitus: At Suetonius mira con-
stantia, medios inter hosteis Londinium perrexit, cog-
nomento quidem Coloniæ non insigne, sed copia Negotiatorum, &
commeatu maxime celebre.
Beneath that, in a less and dif-
ferent Character, was written

C A M E R A   R E G I A,

Camb. Brit.  
Which Title immediately after the Norman Con-
quest it began to have; and by the indulgence
of succeeding Princes, hath been hitherto continued. In
the Freeze over the Gate, it seemeth to speak this Verse:

P A R   D O M U S   H Æ C   C OE L O,
S E D   M I N O R   E S T   D O M I N O.

Lib. 8.
Taken out of Martial, and implying, that
though this City (for the State, and Magni-
ficence) might (by Hyperbole) be said to touch the Stars,
and reach up to Heaven, yet was it far inferior to the
master thereof, who was his Majesty; and in that respect
unworthy to receive him. The highest Person advanc'd
therein, was

M O N A R C H I A   B R I T A N N I C A;

and fitly: applying to the above-mentioned Title of the
City, THE KING'S CHAMBER, and therefore here
placed as in the proper Seat of the Empire: for, so the

[column break]

Glory and Light of our Kingdom Mr. Cambden, (Brit.3.7.)
speaking of London, saith, she is totius Britanniæ Epitome,
Britannicique Imperii sedes, Regumque Angliæ Camera; tantum
inter omneis eminet, quantum (ut ait ille) inter viburna Cu-
She was a Woman, richly attir'd, in Cloth of Gold
and Tissue; a rich Mantle; over her State two Crowns
hanging, with pensil Shields thorow them; the one lim'd
with the particular Coat of England, the other of Scotland:
on either side also a Crown, with the like 'Scutcheons, and
peculiar Coats of France and Ireland. In her Hand she
holds a Scepter; on her Head a Fillet of Gold, interwoven
with Palm and Lawrel; her Hair bound into four several
Points, descending from her Crowns; and in her Lap a
little Globe, inscrib'd upon

O R B I S   B R I T A N N I C U S.

And beneath, the Word

D I V I S U S   A B   O R B E.

To shew that this Empire is a World divided from the
World; and alluding to that of *Clau.
*De mallii
Theodor. cons.

      —— Et nostro diducta Britannia mundo.
And Virg.
      —— Et penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos.

The Wreath denotes Victory and Happiness. The Scepter
and Crowns Sovereignty. The Shields the Precedency of
the Countries, and their Distinctions. At the Feet was

T H E O S O P H I A,

or divine Wisdom, all in White, a blue Mantle seeded with
Stars, a Crown of Stars on her Head. Her Garments
figur'd Truth, Innocence, and Clearness. She was always
looking up; in her one Hand she sustained a Dove, in
the other a Serpent: the last to shew her Subtilty, the
first her Simplicity; alluding to that Text of Scripture,

        in passing to His Coronation. 305

(Matth.10.16.) Estote ergo prudentes sicut serpentes, & sim-
plices sicut columbæ.
Her Word,

P E R   M E   R E G E S   R E G N A N T.                  

   Intimating, how by her all Kings do govern, and that
she is the Foundation and Strength of Kingdoms, to which
end, she was here placed, upon a Cube, at the foot of the
Monarchy, as her base and stay. Directly beneath her
G E N I U S   U R B I S,

   A Person attir'd rich, reverend, and antique:
his hair long and white, crowned with a Wreath
of Plain-tree, which is said to be Arbor genialis;
his Mantle of purple, and Buskins of that co-
lour: He held in one Hand a Goblet, in the
other a Branch full of little Twigs, to signifie
Increase and Indulgence. His Word

H I S   A R M I S:

pointing to the Two that supported him,
whereof the one on the Right hand, was

Antiqui Ge-
nium omni-
um gignen-
darum rerum
Deum: &
tam urbib.
quam homi-
nib, vel cæte-
ris rebus na-
Gy. in Synt.
Ro.l.2. c.14.

B O U L E U T E S,

Figuring the Council of the City, and was
suted in black and purple; a Wreath of * Oak      
upon his Head; sustaining for his Ensigns, on
his left Arm a Scarlet Robe, and in his Right
hand the † Fasces, as Tokens of Magistracy,
with this Inscription;

S E R V A R E   C I V E S.

* Civica co-
rona fit è
fronde quer-
na, quoniam
cibus, victusq;
quercus capi
solitus sit.
lib. 10. cap.
27.   †  Fasciculi virgarum, intra quas obligata securis erat, sic, ut fer-
rum in summo fasce extaret,
Ros. lib. 7. cap. 3. Ubi notandum est, non
debere præcipitem, & solutam iram esse magistratus. Mora enim allata,
& cunctatio, dum sensim virgæ solvuntur, identidem consilium mutavit
deplectendo. Quando autem vitia quædam sunt corrigibilia, deplorata
alia; castigant virgæ, quod revocari valet, immendabile secures præci-
Plut. Prob. Rom. 82.

   The other on the Left hand,

P O L E M I U S,

   The warlike Force of the City, in an antique Coat or
Armour, with a Target and Sword; his Helm on, and
crowned with Laurel, implying Strength and Conquest:
in his Hand he bore the Standart of the City, with this


   Expressing by those several Mots, connexed, that with
those Arms of Counsel and Strength, the Genius was able
to extinguish the King's Enemies, and preserve his Citi-
zens, alluding to those Verses in Seneca,

      Extinguere hostem, maxima est virtus Ducis.
      Servare Cives, major est patriæ patri.

   Underneath these, in an Aback thrust out before the
rest, lay

T A M E S I S,

The River, as running along the Side of the City; in a
Skin-coat made like Flesh, naked and blue. His Mantle
of sea-green or water-colour, thin, and boln out like a
Sail; Bracelets about his Wrests, of willow and sedge, a
Crown of Sedge and Reed upon his Head, mixt with
Water-lillies; alluding to Virgil's Description of Tyber;

—— Deus ipse loci, fluvio Tyberinus amœno,
Populeas inter senior se attollere frondes

[column break]

         Visus, eum tenuis glauco velabat amictu
         Carbasus, & crineis umbrosa regebat Arundo.

   His Beard, and Hair long, and over-grown. He leans
his Arm upon an earthen Pot, out of which, Water, with
live Fishes, are seen to run forth, and play about him.
His Word,

F U L M I N A   S E N S E R U N T   I P S A

   An hemistich of Ovids: The rest of the Verse being,

      ———— quid esset amor.

   Affirming, that Rivers themselves, and such inanimate
Creatures, have heretofore been made sensible of Passions,
and Affections; and that he now, no less partook the Joy
of his Majesties grateful approach to this City, than any
of those Persons, to whom he pointed, which were the
Daughters of the Genius, and Six in Number: who, in a
spreading Ascent, upon several Grices, help to beautifie
both the Sides. The first,

E U P H R O S Y N E,

or Gladness: was suted in Green, a Mantle of divers co-
lours, embroidred with all variety of Flowers: on her
Head a Garland of Mirtle, in her Right hand a crystal
Cruze fill'd with Wine, in the Left a Cup of Gold: at her
Feet a Timbrel, Harp, and other Instruments, all Ensigns
of Gladness,

Ode 27.
Natis in usum lætitiæ scyphis, &c.

And in another place,

Et Ode 37.
Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero
Pulsanda Tellus, &c.

Her Word,

Ep. Domit.

   As if this were the first Hour of her Life, and
the Minute wherein she began to be; beholding
so long coveted, and look'd for a presence. The second,

S E B A S I S,

or Veneration, was varied in an ash-colour'd Sute, and dark
Mantle, a Vail over her Head of ash-colour: her Hands
crost before her, and her Eyes half closed. Her Word,

            M I H I   S E M P E R   D E U S.

   Implying both her office of Reverence, and the Dignity
of her Object, who being as God on Earth, should never
be less in her Thought. The third,

P R O T H Y M I A,

or Promptitude, was attir'd in a short tuck't Garment of
Flame-colour, Wings at her back; her Hair bright, and
bound up with Ribands; her Breast open, virago-like; her
Buskins so ribanded: She was crowned with a Chaplet of
Trifoly, to express Readiness, and Openness every way; in
her Right hand she held a Squirrel, as being the Creature
most full of Life and Quickness: in the Left a close round
Censor, with the Perfume suddenly to be vented forth at
the Sides. Her Word,

      Q U A   D A T A   P O R T A.

   Taken from another place in Virgil, where Æolus at the
command of Juno lets forth the Wind;
R r                                            —— ac

306 Part of the King's Entertainment,           

——— ac venti velut agmine facto
Qua data porta ruunt, & terras turbine perflant.

   And shew'd that she was no less prepar'd with Promp-
titude, and Alacrity, than the Winds were, upon the
least Gate that shall be opened to his high command.
The Fourth,

A G R Y P N I A,

or Vigilance, in yellow, a sable Mantle, seeded with wa-
king Eyes, and silver Fringe: her Chaplet of Heliotropium,
or Turnsole: in her one Hand a Lamp, or Cresset; in her
other a Bell. The Lamp signified Search and Sight, the
Bell Warning; the Heliotropium Care, and respecting her
Object. Her Word,

S P E C U L A M U R   I N   O M N E I S.

   Alluding to that of Ovid, where he describes the Office
of Argus.

——— Ipse procul montis sublime cacumen
Occupat, unde sedens partes speculatur in omneis.

and implying the like duty of Care and Vigilance in her
self. The fifth,

A G A P E,

or loving Affection, in Crimson fringed with Gold, a
Mantle of flame-colour, her chaplet of red and white
Roses; in her Hand a flaming Heart: The Flame expres-
sed Zeal; the red and white Roses, a mixture of Simpli-
city with Love; her Robes Freshness and Fervency. Her

N O N   S I C   E X C U B I Æ.

Out of Claudian, in following.

De 4. Cons.
Honor. Pane-
—— Nec circumstantia pila
Quàm tutatur amor.

Inferring, that though her Sister before had protested
Watchfulness, and Circumspection, yet no Watch or Guard
could be so safe to the Estate, or Person of a Prince, as
the Love and natural Affection of his Subjects: which she
in the Cities behalf promised. The sixth,

O M O T H Y M I A,

or Unanimity, in blew, her Robe blew, and Buskins. A
Chaplet of blew Lillies, shewing one Truth and Entire-
ness of Mind. In her Lap lies a Sheaf of Arrows bound
together, and she her self sits weaving certain small
silver Twists. Her Word,

F I R M A   C O N S E N S U S   F A C I T.

            Auxilia humilia firma, &c.

   Intimating, that even the smallest and weakest Aids, by
consent, are made strong: her self personating the Unani-
mity, or Consent of Soul, in all Inhabitants of the City to
his Service.

   ¶ These are all the Personages, or live Figures, where-
of only two were Speakers (Genius and Tamesis) the rest
were Mutes. Other dumb Complements there were, as
the Arms of the Kingdom on the one Side, with this In-

H I S   V I R E A S.

With these may'st thou flourish.

[column break]

   On the other Side the Arms of the City, with,

H I S   V I N C A S.

With these may'st thou conquer.

   In the Centre, or midst of the Pegm, there was an Aback,
or Square, wherein this Elogy was written:


   This, and the whole Frame, was covered with a Cur-
tain of Silk, painted like a thick Cloud, and at the ap-
proach of the King was instantly to be drawn. The Al-
legory being, that those Clouds were gathered upon the
Face of the City, through their long want of his most
wished Sight: but now, as at the rising of the Sun, all
Mists were dispersed and fled. When suddenly, upon si-
lence made to the Musicks, a Voice was heard to utter
this Verse;

Claud. de
laud. Stil.

Totus adest oculis, aderat qui mentibus olim.

   Signifying, that he was now really objected to their
Eyes, who before had been only, but still, present in their
Minds,comma should be replaced with a period

   ¶ Thus far the Complemental part of the first; where-
in was not only laboured the Expression of State and Mag-
nificence (as proper to a triumphal Arch) but the very
Site, Fabrick, Strength, Policy, Dignity, and Affections of
the City were all laid down to Life: The Nature and
Property of these Devices being, to present always some
one entire Body, or Figure, consisting of distinct Members,
and each of those expressing it self, in the'its' per Gifford own active
Sphere, yet all, with that general Harmony so connexed,
and disposed, as no one little part can be missing to the
illustration of the whole: where also is to be noted, that
the Symboles used, are not, neither ought to be, simply
Hieroglyphicks, Emblems, or Impreses, but a mixed Character,
partaking somewhat of all, and peculiarly apted to these
more magnificent Inventions: wherein, the Garments and
Ensigns deliver the Nature of the Person, and the Word
the present Office. Neither was it becoming, or could
it stand with the Dignity of these Shews (after the most
miserable and desperate Shift of the Puppits) to require
a Truch-man, or (with the ignorant Painter) one to
write, This is a Dog; or, This is a Hare: but so to be pre-
sented, as upon the view, they might, without cloud, or
obscurity, declare themselves to the Sharp and Learned:
And for the Multitude, no doubt but their grounded Judg-
ments did gaze, said it was fine, and were satisfied.

The Speeches of Gratulation.

G E N I U S.

Ime, Fate and Fortune have at length conspir'd,
   To give our Age the day so much desir'd.
What all the Minutes, Hours, Weeks, Months, and Years,
That hang in File upon these silver Hairs,

        in passing to His Coronation. 307

Could not produce, beneath the (a) Britain stroke,
The Roman, Saxon, Dane, and Norman (b) Yoke,
This Point of Time hath done. Now London, rear
Thy Forehead high, and on it strive to wear
Thy choicest Gems; teach thy steep Towrs to rise
Higher with People: set with sparkling Eyes
Thy spacious Windows; and in every street,
Let thronging Joy, Love, and Amazement meet.
Cleave all the Air with shouts, and let the Cry
Strike through as long, and universally,
As Thunder; for, now thou art blist to see
That sight, for which thou didst begin to be.
When (c) Brutus plough first gave thee Infant bounds,
And I, thy Genius walkt auspicious rounds
In every (d) Furrow; then did I forelook,
And saw this day (e) markt white in (f) Clotho's Book.
The several (g) Circles, both of change and sway,
Within this Isle, there also figur'd lay:
Of which the greatest, perfectest, and last
Was this, whose present happiness we taste.
Why keep you silence, Daughters? What dull peace
Is this inhabits you? Shall office cease
Upon th' aspect of him, to whom you owe
More than you are, or can be? Shall Time know
That Article, wherein your flame stood still,
And not aspir'd? Now Heaven avert an Ill
Of that black look. E're pause possess your Breasts
I wish you more of Plagues: "Zeal when it rests,
Leaves to be Zeal. Up thou tame River, wake;
And from thy liquid limbs this slumber shake:
Thou drown'st thy self in inofficious sleep;
And these thy sluggish Waters seem to creep,
Rather than flow. Up, rise, and swell with Pride
Above thy Banks. "Now is not every Tide.

   (a) As being the first free and natural Government of this Island,
after it came to Civility. (b) In respect they were all Conquests, and
the Obedience of the Subject more enforced. (c) Rather than the
City should want a Founder, we chuse to follow the received Story of
Brute, whether fabulous, or true, and not altogether unwarranted in
Poetry: since it is a favour of Antiquity to few Cities, to let them
know their first Authors. Besides, a learned Poet of our time, in a
most elegant Work of his Con. Tam. & Isis, celebrating London, hath
this Verse of her: Æmula maternæ tollens sua lumina Trojæ. Here
is also an ancient Rite alluded to in the building of Cities, which was,
to give them their Bounds with a Plough, according to Virg. Æn.
10. Interea Æneas urbem designat Aratro. And Isidore, lib. 15.
cap. 2. Urbs vocata ab orbe, quod antiquæ civitates in orbem fiebant;
vel ab urbo parte aratri, quo muri designabantur, unde est illud. Opta-
vitque locum regno & concludere sulco.
(d) Primigenius sulcus dicitur,
qui in condenda nova urbe, tauro & vaccâ designationis causa imprimi-
Hitherto respects that of Camd. Brit. 368. speaking of this
City, Quicunque autem condiderit, vitali genio constructam fuisse ipsius
fortuna docuit.
(e) For all so happy days were. Plin. cap. 40. lib. 7.
Nat. Hist. To which Horace alludes, lib. 1. Ode 36. Cressâ ne ca-
reat pulchra dies notâ.
And the other, Plin. epist. 11. lib. 6. O diem
lætum, notandumque mihi candidissimo calculo.
With many other in
many places. Mart. lib. 8. epist. 45. lib. 9. epist. 53. lib. 10. 38. lib.
11. 37. Stat. lib. 4. Sy. 6. Pers. Sat. 2. Catull. Epig. 69. &c. (f) The
Parcæ, or Fates, Martianus calls them scribas ac librarias superûm;
whereof Clotho is said to be the eldest, signifying in Latine Evocatio.
(g) Those beforementioned of the Britain, Roman, Saxon, &c. and
to this Register of the Fates allude those Verses of Ovid, Met.15. —
Cernes illic molimine vasto, Ex ære, & solido rerum tabularia ferro:
Quæ neque concussum cœli, neque fulminis Iram, Nec metuunt ullas tuta
atque æterna ruinas. Invenies illis incisa adamante perenni Fata,

T A M E S I S.

O what vain end should I contend to show
 My weaker powers, when Seas of pomp o'reflow
The Cities Face: and cover all the shore
With Sands more rich than (a) Tagus wealthy Ore?
When in the flood of Joy, that comes with him,
He drowns the World; yet makes it live and swim,
And spring with gladness: not my Fishes here,
Though they be dumb, but do express the cheer

   (a) A River dividing Spain and Portugal, and by the consent of
Poets stil'd Aurifer.

[column break]

Of these bright streams. No less may (b) these, and I
Boast our delights, albe't we silent lie.

   (b) Understanding Euphrosyne, Sebasis, Prothumia, &c.

G E N I U S.

Ndeed, true Gladness doth not always speak:
 "Joy bred, and born but in the tongue, is weak.
Yet (lest the fervor of so pure a flame
As this my City bears, might lose the name,
Without the apt eventing of her heat)
Know greatest J A M E S (and no less good, than great,)
In the behalf of all my vertuous Sons,
Whereof my (a) eldest there, thy Pomp foreruns,
(A Man without my flattering, or his Pride,
As worthy, as he's (b) blest to be thy Guide)
In his grave name, and all his Brethrens right,
(Who thirst to drink the Nectar of thy sight)
The Council, Commoners, and Multitude;
(Glad, that this Day so long deny'd, is view'd)
I tender thee the heartiest Welcome, yet
That ever King had to his (c) Empire's Seat:
Never came Man, more long'd for, more desir'd:
And being come, more reverenc'd, lov'd, admir'd:
Hear, and record it: "In a Prince it is
"No little Vertue, to know who are his.
   (d) With like Devotions, do I stoop t'embrace
This springing glory of thy (e) god-like race;
His Countries Wonder, Hope, Love, Joy and Pride:
How well doth he become the Royal side
Of this erected, and broad spreading Tree,
Under whose shade, may Britain ever be.
And from this Branch, may thousand Branches more
Shoot o're the Main, and knit with ev'ry Shore
In Bonds of Marriage, Kinred, and Increase;
And stile this Land, the (f) Navil of their Peace;
This is your Servants wish, your Cities vow,
Which still shall propagate itself, with you;
And free from spurs of hope, that slow minds move:
"He seeks no hire, that owes his Life to Love.
   (g) And here she comes that is no less a part
In this days greatness, than in my glad heart.
Glory of Queens, and (h) glory of your Name,
Whose Graces do as far out-speak your Fame,
As Fame doth silence, when her Trumpet rings
You (i) Daughter, Sister, Wife of several Kings:
Besides Allyance, and the stile of Mother,
In which one Title you drown all your other.
Instance, be (k) that fair shoot, is gone before,
Your eldest Joy, and top of all your store,
With (l) those, whose sight to us is yet deny'd,
But not our Zeal to them, or ought beside
This City can to you: For whose Estate
She hopes you will be still good Advocate
To her best Lord. So, whil'st you mortal are,
No taste of sowr Mortality once dare
Approach your House; nor Fortune greet your Grace,
But coming on, and with a forward Face.

   (a) The Lord Mayor, who for his Year, hath senior place of the
rest, and for the day was chief Serjeant to the King. (b) Above the
blessing of his present Office, the word had some particular allusion
to his Name, which is Benet, and hath (no doubt) in time been the
contraction of Benedict. (c) The City, which Title is toucht before.
(d) To the Prince. (e) An Attribute given to great persons, fitly
above other humanity, and in frequent use with all the Greek Poets,
especially Homer. Iliad. a.dioV 'AcilleuV. And in the same Book.
cai antiqeon Polufhmon. (f) As Luctatius calls Parnassus, Umbilicum
(g) To the Queen. (h) An emphatical Speech, and well re-
enforcing her greatness; being by this match, more than either her
Brother, Father, &c. (i) Daughter to Frederick second King of
Denmark, and Norway, Sister to Christierne the Fourth now there
Reigning, and Wife to James our Sovereign. (k) The Prince
Henry Frederick. (l) Charles Duke of Rothsey, and the Lady

R r 2                                       T H E

308 Part of the King's Entertainment,           

The other at Temple-Bar.

Arried the Frontispiece of a Temple, the Walls of
 which and Gates were brass; their Pillars silver, their
Capitals and Bases gold: in the highest point of all was
erected a Janus head, and over it written,

J A N O   Q U A D R I F R O N T I   S A C R U M.

Bassus apud  
Macro. l.
Satur. cap. 9.

   Which Title of Quadrifrons is said to be given
him, as he respecteth all Climates, and fills all
parts of the World with his Majesty: which
Martial would seem to allude unto in that

Et lingua pariter locutus omni.         

   Others have thought it by reason of the four Elements,
which brake out of him, being Chaos: for Ovid is not
afraid to make Chaos and Janus the same, in those Verses,

Fast. lib. 1.
Me Chaos antiqui (nam sum res prisca) vocabant

* Lege
num, lib.
cap. 8.
Alb. in deo-

(a) De nat.
deorum, lib.  

(b) Quasi

Fast. ibid.

Mart. lib.8.
Epist. 2.

Ov. Fast.1.

   But we rather follow (and that more par-
ticularly) the opinion of the * Ancients, who
have entituled him Quadrifrons, in regard of
the year, (which under his sway is divided in-
to four Seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Win-
) and ascribe unto him the beginnings and
ends of things. See M. CIC. (a) Cumque in
omnibus rebus vim haberent maximam prima &
extrema, principem in sacrificando
Janum esse vo-
luerunt, quod
(b) ab eundo nomen est deductum:
ex quo transitiones perviæ
Jani, foresque in limini-
bus prophanarum ædium, Janua nominatur,
As also the charge and custody of the whole
world, by Ovid:

Quicquid ubique vides, cœlum, mare, nubila, terras.
   Omnia sunt nostra clausa patentque manu.
Me penes est unum vasti custodia mundi,
   Et jus vertendi cardinis omne meum est.

About his four Heads he hath a wreath of Gold,
   in which was graven this Verse,


Signifying, that though he had four Faces, yet
he thought them not enough, to behold the
greatness and glory of that day: beneath
under the head was written,


For being open, he was styl'd Patulcius, but then upon the
coming of his Majesty, being to be shut, he was to be cal-
led Clusius. Upon the outmost Front of the Building was
placed the entire Arms of the Kingdom with the Garter,
Crown, and Supporters, cut forth as fair and great as the
life, with an Hexastick written underneath, all expressing
the dignity and power of him that should close that


In a great Freeze, below, that ran quite along the

[column break]

breadth of the Building, were written these two Verses
out of Horace, Lib. 2. Epist. 1. ad Aug.


   The first and principal person in the Temple, was

I R E N E,

Or Peace, she was placed aloft in a Cant, her Attire white,
semined with Stars, her Hair loose and large: a wreath
of Olive on her Head, on her Shoulder a Silver Dove: in
her left hand, she held forth an Olive Branch, with an
handful of ripe Ears, in the other a Crown of Lawrel, as
Notes of Victory and Plenty. By her stood

P L U T U S,

So Cephisio-
fained him.
See Paus. in
Bœoti. &
Phil. in
trary to
Theogn. Lu-
others, that
make him
blind and
Or Wealth, a little Boy, bare-headed, his Locks
curled, and spangled with Gold, of a fresh
Aspect, his Body almost naked, saving some
rich Robe cast over him; in his arms a heap
of gold IgnotsIngots to express Riches, whereof he
is the god. Beneath herhis feet lay

E N Y A L I U S,

Or Mars, groveling, his Armor scattered up-
on him in several pieces, and sundry sorts of
Weapons broken about him, her word to all


——— pax optima rerum
Quas homini novisse datum est, pax una Triumphis
Innumeris potior.
Sil. Ital.

Signifying that Peace alone was better, and more to be
coveted than innumerable Triumphs. Besides, upon the
right hand of her, but with some little descent, in a He-
was seated

E S Y C H I A,

Or Quiet, the first Handmaid of Peace; a Woman of a
grave and venerable Aspect, attired in black, upon her
head an artificial Nest, out of which appeared Storks
heads, to manifest a sweet Repose. Her feet were placed
upon a Cube, to shew Stability, and in her Lap she held
a Perpendicular or Level, as the Ensign of Evenness and
Rest: on the top of it sate an Halcyon, or King's-fisher.
She had lying at her feet

T A R A C H E,

Or Tumult, in a Garment of divers, but dark Colours, her
Hair wild, and disordered, a foul and troubled Face;
about her lay Staves, Swords, Ropes, Chains, Hammers,
Stones, and such like, to express Turmoil. The word was,


De Malii.
Theo. cons.

Quod violenta nequit: mandataque fortius urget
Imperiosa quies.

To shew the benefit of a calm and facile Power, being
able to effect in a State that, which no Violence can. On
the other side the second Handmaid was

E L E U T H E R I A,

   Or Liberty, her Dressing white, and somewhat antick,
but loose and free: her Hair flowing down her back, and
shoulders: In her right Hand she bare a Club, on her left
a Hat, the Characters of Freedom and Power: At her feet
a Cat                  

        in passing to His Coronation. 309

a Cat was placed, the Creature most affecting, and ex-
pressing Liberty. She trode on

D O U L O S I S,

Or Servitude, a Woman in old and worn Garments, lean
and meagre, bearing Fetters on her Feet and Hands; about
her Neck a Yoke, to insinuate Bondage, and the word


Alluding to that other of Claud.

De laud. Stil. l. 3.
      Nunquam libertas gratior extat,
Quam sub Rege pio.

And intimated that Liberty could never appear more
graceful, and lovely, than now under so good a Prince.
The third Handmaid was

S O T E R I A,

Or Safety, a Damsel in Carnation, the colour signifying
Cheer, and Life; she sat high: upon her Head she wore an
antick Helm, and in her right Hand a Spear for Defence,
in her left a Cup for Medicine: at her Feet was set a Pe-
destal, upon which a Serpent rowl'd up did lie. Beneath

P E I R A,

Or Danger, a Woman dispoiled, and almost naked; the
little Garment she hath left her, of several colours, to note
her various disposition. Besides her lies a Torch out, and
a Sword broken, (the Instruments of her Fury) with a
Net and Wolves-skin (the Ensigns of her Malice) rent in
pieces. The word,



Borrowed from Mart. and implying, that now
all Fears have turned their backs, and our
safety might become security, danger being so
wholly deprest, and unfurnisht of all means to hurt. The
fourth Attendant is,

E U D A I M O N I A,

Or Felicity, varied on the second hand, and apparelled
richly; in an embroidered Robe, and Mantle: a fair
golden Tress. In her right hand a Caduceus, the note of
peaceful Wisdom: in her left, a Cornucopia fill'd only with
Flowers, as a sign of flourishing Blessedness; and crown'd
with a Garland of the same. At her Feet,

D Y S P R A G I A,

Or Unhappiness, a Woman bare-headed, her Neck, Arms,
Breast, and Feet naked, her Look hollow and pale; she
holds a Cornucopia turned downward, with all the Flowers
fall'n out and scattered; upon her sits a Raven, as the au-
gury of ill Fortune: And the Soul was



Out of Virgil, to shew that now those golden
Times were returned again, wherein Peace
was with us so advanced, Rest received, Li-
restored, Safety assured, and all Blessedness appearing
in every of these Virtues, her particular triumph over her
opposite evil. This is the dumb Argument of the Frame,
and illustrated with this Verse of Virgil, written in the un-
der Freeze.


[column break]

The speaking part was performed, as within the Temple
where there was erected an Altar, to which, at the ap-
proach of the King, appears the Flamen

* M A R T I A L I S.

And to him,

G E N I U S   U R B I S.

The Genius we attired before: To the Flamen         
we appoint this Habit. A long crimson Robe
to witness his Nobility, his Tippet and Sleeves
white, as reflecting on Purity in his Religion, a
rich Mantle of Gold with a Train, to express
the dignity of his Function. Upon his Head a
(a) Hat of delicate Wooll, whose top ended
in a Cone, and was thence called according
to that of Lucan. lib. 1.

Attollensque Apicem generoso vertice Flamen.

   * One of
the three
that as
some think,
Numa Pom-
but we ra-
ther, with
Varro, take
him of Ro-
's In-
there were
only two,
He, and
Dialis: to
whom he
was next in dignity. He was always created out of the Nobility,
and did perform the Rites to Mars, who was thought the Father of
Romulus. (a) Scaliger in conject. in Varr. saith, Totus Pileus, vel po-
tiùs velamenta, Flammeum dicebatur, unde Flamines dicti.

This Apex was covered with a (b) fine Net
of Yarn, which they named Apiculum, and was
sustained with a (c) bow'd twig of Pomegranat        
Tree; it was also in the hot time of Summer
to be bound with Ribons, and thrown behind
them, as (d) Scaliger teacheth. In his Hand
he bore a golden Censor with Perfume, and
censing about the Altar, (having first kindled
his Fire on the top) is interrupted by the

   (b) To
this looks
that other
of Varro,
4. de
lingua La-
tina. Fla-
mines quod
licio in ca-
pite velati
erane sem-
per, ac caput cinctum habebant filo, Flamines dicti.
(c) Which in their
Attire was called Stroppus, in their Wives Inarculum. (d) Scal. Ibid. in
con. Ponè enim regerebant apicem, ne gravis esset summis æstatis calo-
ribus. Amentis enim, quæ offendices dicebantur sub mentum adductis,
religabant; ut cum vellent, regererent, & ponè pendere permitte-

G E N I U S.

Tay, what art thou, that in this strange Attire,
 Dar'st kindle stranger, and unhallowed Fire
Upon this Altar?   Fl. Rather what art thou
That dar'st so rudely interrupt my Vow?
My Habit speaks my Name.   Ge. A Flamen?   Fl. Yes.
And (a) Martialis call'd.   Ge. I so did guess
By my short view; but whence didst thou ascend
Hither? or how? or to what mystick end?
   Fl. The Noise, and present Tumult of this Day,
Rows'd me from Sleep, and Silence, where I lay
Obscur'd from Light; which when I wak't to see,
I wond'ring thought what this great Pomp might be.
When (looking in my Kalendar) I found
The (b) Ides of March were entred, and I bound
With these, to celebrate the genial Feast
Of (c) Anna still'd Perenna, (d) Mars his Guest,

   (a) Of Mars whose Rites (as we have toucht before) this Fla-
did specially celebrate. (b) With us the 15 of March, which
was the present day of this Triumph: and on which the great Feast
of Anna Perenna (among the Romans) was yearly, and with such
Solemnity remembred. Ovid. Fast. 3. Idibus est, Annæ festum ge-
niale Perennæ, Hand procul à ripis,
&c. (c) Who this Anna should
be (with the Romans themselves) hath been no trifling Controver-
sie. Some have thonghtthought her fabulously the Sister of Dido, some a
Nymph of Numicius, some Io, some Themis. Others an old Woman
of Bovilla, that fed the seditious multitude, in Monte Sacro, with
Wafers, and fine Cakes, in time of their Penury: To whom, after-
ward (in memory of the benefit) their peace being made with the
Nobles, they ordained this Feast. Yet, they that have thought nea-
rest, have mist all these, and directly imagined her the Moon. And
that she was called ANNA, Quia mensibus impleat annum, Ovid. ib.
To which, the Vow that they used in her Rites, somewhat confirm-
ingly alludes, which was, Ut Amare, & Perannare commodè liceret,
Macr. Sat. lib.
1. cap. 12. (d) So Ovid. ibid. Fast. makes Mars speak-
ing to her, Mense meo coleris, junxi mea tempora tecum.


310 Part of the King's Entertainment,           

Who, in this Month of his, is yearly call'd
To Banquet at his Altars; and install'd
(a) A Goddess with him, since she fills the Year,
And (b) knits the oblique Scarf that girts the Sphere.
Whilst four-fac'd Janus turns his (c) vernal Look
Upon their meeting Hours, as if he took
High Pride and Pleasure.   Ge. Sure thou still dost Dream,
And both thy Tongue, and Thought rides on the Stream
Of Phantasy: Behold here he nor she,
Have any Altar, Fane, or Deity.
Stoop: read but this (d) Inscription: and then view
To whom the Place is consecrate. 'Tis true
That this is Janus Temple, and that now
He turns upon the Year his freshest Brow:
That this is Mars his Month; and these the Ides,
Wherein his Anne was honor'd; both the Tides,
Titles, and Place, we know: but these dead Rites
Are long since buried, and new Power excites
More high and hearty Flames. Lo, there is he,
Who brings with him (e) a greater Anne than she:
Whose strong and potent Virtues have (f) defac'd
Stern Mars his Statues, and upon them plac'd
His, (g) and his Worlds blest Blessings: This hath brought
Sweet Peace to sit in that bright State she ought,
Unbloudy, or untroubled; hath forc'd hence
All Tumults, Fears, or other dark Portents
That might invade weak Minds; hath made Men see
Once more the face of welcome Liberty:
And doth (in all his present acts) restore
That first pure World, made of the better ore.
Now Innocence shall cease to be the spoil
Of ravenous Greatness, or to steep the foilsoil
Of raised Pesantry with Tears, and Blood;
No more shall rich Men (for their little good)
Suspected to be made Guilty; or vile Spies
Enjoy the Lust of their so murth'ring Eyes:
Men shall put off their Iron Minds, and Hearts;
The Time forget his old malicious Arts
With this new Minute; and no print remain
Of what was thought the former Ages stain.
Back, Flamen, with thy Superstitious Fumes,
And cense not here; Thy Ignorance presumes
Too much, in acting any Ethnick Rite
In this translated Temple: here no Wight,
To sacrifice, save my Devotion comes,
That brings in stead of those thy (h) masculine Gums.
My City's heart; which shall for ever burn
Upon this Altar, and no time shall turn
The same to Ashes: here I fix it fast,
Flame bright, Flame high, and may it ever last.
Whilst I, before the Figure of thy Peace,
Still tend the Fire; and give it quick increase
With Prayers, Wishes, Vows; whereof be these
The least, and weakest: that no Age may leese
The Memory of this so rich a Day;
But rather, that it henceforth yearly may

   (a) Nuper erat dea facta, &c. ibid. (b) Where is understood the
meeting of the Zodiack in March, the Month wherein she is celebra-
ted. (c) That Face wherewith he beholds the Spring. (d) Written
upon the Altar, for which we refer you to the end of this Page. (e) The
Queen: to which in our Inscription we spake to the King MARTE
(f) The Temple of Janus we apprehend to be both
the House of War, and Peace: of War, when it is open; of Peace,
when it is shut: And that there, each over the other is interchange-
ably placed, to the vicissitude of Times. (g) Which are Peace, Rest,
Liberty, Safety, &c. and were his actively, but the worlds passively.
(h) Somewhat a strange Epithete in our Tongue, but proper to the
Thing: for they were only Masculine Odors, which were offer'd to
the Altars, Virg. Ecl. 8 Verbenasque adole pingueis, & mascula thura.
And Plin. Nat. Hist. lib. 12. cap. 14 speaking of these, hath Quod ex eo
rotunditate guttæ pependit, Masculum vocamus, cum alias non ferè mas
vocetur, ubi non fit fœmina: religioni tributum ne sexus alter usurpa-
retur. Masculum aliqui putant à specie testium dictum.
See him also
li. 34. cap. 11. And, Arnob. lib. 7. advers. Gent. Non si mille tu pondera
masculi thuris incendas, &c.

[column break]

Begin our Spring, and with our Spring the Prime,
And (i) first accompt of Years, of Months, (k) of time:
And may these Ides as fortunate appear
To thee, as they to (l) Cæsar fatal were.
Be all thy Thoughts born perfect, and thy Hopes
In their events still crown'd beyond their Scopes.
Let not wide Heav'n that secret Blessing know
To give, which she on thee will not bestow.
Blind Fortune be thy Slave; and may her Store
(The less thou seek'st it) follow thee the more.
Much more I would: but see, these brazen Gates
Make haste to close, as urged by thy Fates;
Here ends my City's Office, here it breaks:
Yet with my Tongue, and this pure Heart, she speaks
A short Farewel; and lower than thy Feet,
With fervent Thanks, thy Royal Pains doth greet.
Pardon, if my abruptness breed Disease;
He merit's not t'offend, that hastes to please.

   (i) According to Romulus his Institution, who made March the
first Month, and consecrated it to his Father, of whom it was called
Martius. Varr. Fest. in Frag. Martius mensis initium anni fuit, & in
Latio, & post Romam conditam, &c.
And Ovid. Fast.3. A te principium
Romano dicimus anno: Primus de patrio nomine mensis erit. Vox rata
fit, &c.
See Macr.lib.1. cap. 12. and Solin, in Poly. Hist.cap.3. Quòd
hoc mense mercedes exolverint magistris, quas completas annus deberi fe-
cisse, &c.
(k) Some, to whom we have read this, have taken it for
a Tautology, thinking Time enough expressed before in Years, and
Months. For whose ignorant sakes we must confess to have taken
the better part of this travail in noting, a thing not usual, neither
affected of us, but where there is necessity, as here, to avoid their
dull Censures: where in Years and Months we alluded to that is
observed in our former Note: but by Time we understand the present,
and that from this instant, we should begin to reckon, and make this
the first, of our time. Which is also to be helpt by Emphasis. (l) In
which he was slain in the Senate.

Over the Altar was written
this Inscription:

D. I. O. M.
B R I T A N N I A R U M.  I M P.  P A C I S.
V I N D I C I.  M A R T E.  M A J O R I.  P.P.F.S.
A U G U S T O.  N O V O.  G E N T I U M.  C O N-
J U N C T A R U M.  N U M I N I.  T U T E-
L A R I.

D.  A.
C O N S E R V A T R I C I.  A N N Æ.  I P S Æ.
P E R E N N Æ.  D E A B U S Q U E.  U N I V E R-
S I S.  O P T A T I O R I.  S U I.  F O R T U N A-
T I S S I M I.    T H A L A M I.    S O C I Æ.  E T
C O N S O R T I.  P U L C H E R R I M Æ.  A U-
G U S T I S S I M Æ.


H.  F.  P.
F I L I O.  S U O.  N O B I L I S S I M O.  O B.  A D-
V E N T U M.  A D.  U R B E M.  H A N C.  S U-
A M.  E X P E C T A T I S S I M U M.  G R A T I S-
S I M U M.  C E L E B R A T I S S I M U M.  C U-
J U S.  N O N.  R A D I I.  S E D.  S O L E S.  P O-
T I U S.  F U N E S T I S S I M A M.  N U P E R.
A E R I S.  I N T E M P E R I E M.  S E R E N A-
R U N T.

S.  P.  Q.  L.
L.  M.
H A N C.  A R A M.



        in passing to His Coronation. 311

And upon the Gate, being shut,

I M P.  J A C O B U S  M A X.

C Æ S A R  A U G.  P.P.

P A C E  P O P U L O  B R I T A N N I C O

T E R R A  M A R I Q U E  P A R T A

J A N U M  C L U S I T.  S.  C.

In the Strand.

He Invention was a Rain-bow, the Moon, Sun,
 and those seven Stars, which Antiquity hath styl'd
 the Pleiades or Vergiliæ, advanced between two
magnificent Pyramids, of 70 Foot in height, on which
were drawn his Majesties several Pedigrees Eng. and Scot.
To which Body (being framed before) we were to apt
our Soul. And finding that one of these Seven Lights,
Electra, is rarely or not at all to be seen, (as Ovid. lib. 4.
Fast. affirmeth.

Pleiades incipient humeros relevare paternos:
   Quæ septem dici, sex tamen esse solent.

And by and by after,

Sive quod Electra Trojæ spectare ruinas
   Non tulit: ante oculos opposuitque manum.

And Festus Avien. (Paraph. in Arat. Phænom.)

Fama vetus septem memorat genitore creatas
Longævo: sex se rutila inter sidera tantum
Sustollunt, &c.
And beneath,
——— cerni sex solas carmine Mynthes
Asserit: Electram cœlo abcessisse profundo, &c.

   We vent'red to follow this Authority; and made her
the Speaker: presenting her hanging in the Air, in Figure
of a Comet; according to Anonymus. Electra non sustinens
videre casum pronepotum fugerit; unde & illam dissolutis crini-
bus propter luctum ire asserunt, & propter comas quidam Come-
ten appellant.

The  S P E E C H.

E L E C T R A.

He long (a) Laments I spent for ruin'd Troy,
 Are dried; and now mine Eyes run Tears of Joy.
No more shall Men suppose Electra dead,
Though from the consort of her Sisters fled
Unto the (b) Arctick Circle, here to grace,
And gild this day with her (c) serenest Face:
And see, my (d) Daughter Iris hastes to throw
Her roseat Wings, in compass of a Bow,
About our State, as (e) sign of my Approach:
Attracting to her Seat from (f) Mithras Coach,

   (a) Fest. Avi. paraph. Pars ait Idææ deflentem incendia Trojæ, Et nu-
merosa suæ lugentem funera gentis, Electram tetris mœstum dare nubibus
Besides the reference to Antiquity, this Speech might be un-
derstood by Allegory of the Town here, that had been so ruined with
Sickness, &c. (b) Hyginus. Sed postquam Troja fuit capta, & Progenies ejus
quæ à Dardano fuit eversa, dolore permotam ab his se removisse, & in cir-
culo qui Arcticus dicitur constitisse, &c.
(c) Electra signifies Serenity it
self, and is compounded of hlioV, which is the Sun, and aqrioV, that
signifies Serene. She is mentioned to be Anima sphæræ solus, by Proclus.
Com. in Hesiod.
(d) She is also fain'd to be the Mother of the Rain-bow.
Nascitur enim Iris ex aqua & serenitate, è refractione radiorum scilicet.
Arist. in Meteorol.
(e) Val. Flac. Argonaut. 1. makes the Rain-bow, indi-
cem serenitatis. Emicuit reserata dies, cœlumq; resolvit Arcus, & in sum-
mos redierunt nubila montes.
(f) A name of the Sun. Stat. The. l. 1. tor-
quentem cornua Mithran.
And Martian. nup. Mer. & Phil.
Te Serapim Nilus, Memphis veneratur Osirin; Dissona sacra Mithran, &c.

[column break]

A thousand different and particular Hiews,
Which she throughout her Body doth diffuse.
The Sun, as loth to part from this half Sphere,
Stands still; and Phœbe labours to appear
In all as bright (if not as rich) as he:
And, for a Note of more Serenity,
My Six (g) fair Sisters hither shift their Lights;
To do this Hower the utmost of her Rites.
Where lest the Captious, or Prophane might doubt,
How these clear heavenly Bodies come about
All to be seen at once; yet neithers Light
Eclips'd, or shadow'd by the others Sight:
Let ignorance know, great King, this Day is thine,
And doth admit no Night; but all do shine
As well nocturnal, as diurnal Fires,
To add unto the Flame of our desires.
Which are (now thou hast clos'd up (h) Janus Gates,
And giv'n so general Peace to all Estates)
That no offensive Mist, or cloudy Stain
May mix with Splendor of thy golden Raign;
But, as th'ast free'd thy (i) Chamber, from the Noise
Of War and Tumult; thou will powr those Joys
Upon (k) this Place, which claims to be the (l) Seat
Of all the Kingly Race: the Cabinet
To all thy Counsels; and the judging Chair
To this thy special Kingdom. Who so fair
And wholesom Laws, in every Court, shall strive
By Equity, and their first Innocence to thrive;
The base and guilty Bribes of guiltier Men
Shall be thrown back, and Justice look, as when
She lov'd the Earth, and fear'd not to be sold
For that, (m) which worketh all things to it, Gold.
   The Dam of other Evils, Avarice
Shall here lock down her Jaws, and that rude Vice
Of ignorant, and pittied greatness, Pride,
Decline with Shame; Ambition now shall hide
Her Face in Dust, as dedicate to sleep,
That in great Portals wont her Watch to keep.
All Ills shall fly the Light: Thy Court be free
No less from Envy, than from Flattery;
All Tumult, Faction, and harsh Discord cease,
That might perturb the Musick of thy Peace:
The querulous Nature shall no longer find
Room for his Thoughts: One pure consent of Mind
Shall flow in every Breast, and not the Air,
Sun, Moon, or Stars shine more serenely fair.
This from that loud, blest Oracle, I sing,
Who here, and first, pronounc'd thee Britains King.
Long may'st thou live, and see me thus appear,
As ominous (n) a Comet, from my Sphere,
Unto thy Raign; as that (o) did auspicate
So lasting Glory to Augustus State.

(g) Alcyone, Celæno, Taygete, Asterope, Merope, Maia, which are also said
to be the Souls of the other Spheres, as Electra of the Sun. Proclus, ibi in
com. Alcyone Veneris. Celæno Saturni. Taygete Lunæ. Asterope Jovis.
Merope Martis. Maia Mercurii.
(h) Alluding back to that of our Temple.
(i) London. (k) His City of Westminster, in whose Name, and at whose
Charge, together with the Dutchy of Lancaster, this Arch was erected.
(l) Since here, they not only sat being crowned, but also first received
their Crowns. (m) Hor.Car.l.4. Ode.9. Ducentis ad se cuncta pecuniæ.
(n) For our more authority to induce her thus, See Fest. Avien. paraph.
in Arat.
speaking of Electra, Nonnunquam Oceani tamen istam surgere ab
undis, In convexa poli, sed sede carere sororum; Atq; os discretum
procul edere, detestatam. Germanosq; choros sobolis lacrymare ruinas Dif-
fusamq; comas cerni, crinisq; soluti Monstrari effigie, &c.
(o) All Comets
were not fatal, some were fortunately ominous, as this to which we al-
lude; and wherefore we have Pliny's testimony. Nat. Hist. lib.2. cap.25.
Cometes in uno totius orbis loco colitur in templo Romæ, admodum faustus
Divo Augusto judicatus ab ipso: qui incipiente eo, apparuit ludis quos fa-
Veneri Genetrici, non multò post obitum patris Cæsaris, in collegio
ab eo instituto. Namq; his verbis id gaudium prodidit.
Iis ipsis ludorum
meorum diebus, sydus crinitum per septem dies in regione Cœli, quæ
sub Septentrionibus est, conspectum. Id oriebatur circa undecimam
horam diei, clarumq; & omnibus terris conspicuum fuit. Eo sydere sig-
nificari vulgus credidit, Cæsaris animam inter Deorum immortalium
numina receptam: quo nomine id insigne simulacro capitis ejus, quod
mox in foro consecravimus, adjectum est. Hæc ille in publicum, interiore
gaudio sibi illum natum seque in eo nasci interpretatus est. Et si verum
fatemur, salutare id terris fuit.

A  P A N E-

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