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                Masques. 331

H Y M E N Æ I:

Or, the Solemnities of

Masque and Barriers

A T   A

M  A  R  R  I  A  G  E.


T is a noble and just Advantage that the Things sub-
 jected to Understanding have of those which are
 objected to Sense; that the one sort are but momen-
 tary, and merely taking; the other impressing,
 and lasting: Else the glory of all these Solemnities
had perish'd like a Blaze, and gone out, in the Beholders
Eyes. So short-liv'd are the Bodies of all Things, in com-
parison of their Souls. And though Bodies oft-times have
the ill luck to be sensually preferr'd, they find after-
wards the good fortune (when Souls live) to be utterly
forgotten. This it is hath made the most Royal Princes
and Greatest Persons (who are commonly the Personaters
of these Actions) not only studious of Riches, and Mag-
nificence in the outward Celebration, or shew; (which
rightly becomes them) but curious after the most high
and hearty Inventions, to furnish the inward Parts: (and
those grounded upon Antiquity, and solid Learning) which,
though their Voice be taught to sound to present occasions,
their Sense, or doth, or should always lay hold on more
remov'd Mysteries. And, howsoever some may squemishly
cry out, that all endeavor of Learning, and Sharpness in
these transitory Devices, especially where it steps beyond
their little, or (let me not wrong 'em) no Brain at all,
is superfluous; I am contented, these fastidious Stomachs
should leave my full Tables, and enjoy at home their clean
empty Trenchers, fittest for such airy Tastes; where per-
haps a few Italian Herbs, pick'd up and made into a Sal-
may find sweeter Acceptance than all the most nou-
rishing and sound Meats of the World.
   For these Mens Palates, let not me answer, O Muses. It
is not my Fault, if I fill them out Nectar, and they run to

Vaticana bibant, si delectentur.

   All the Courtesie I can do them, is to cry again;

Prætereant, si quid non facit ad stomachum.

   As I will, from the thought of them, to my better Sub-

   On the Night of the Masques (which were two, one of Men,
the other of Women) the
Scene being drawn, there was first
discovered an Altar; upon which was inscribed, in Letters of

[column break]

Ioni. Oimæ. Mimæ.


S A C R.

ly imply-
ing, that
both it,
the place,
and all the
ing Cere-

were sa-
cred to Marriage, or Union; over which Juno was President: to
whom there was the like Altar erected, at Rome, as she was called
Juga Juno, in the street, which thence was named Jugarius. See Fest.
and, at which Altar, the Rite was to join the married Pair with bands
of Silk, in sign of future Concord.

   To this Altar entred five Pages, attired in
white, bearing (a) five Tapers of Virgin-wax;
behind them, one representing a Bridegroom: his  
(b) hair short, and bound with party-colour'd
Ribons, and Gold-twist: his Garments purple,
and white.

(a) Those
were the

which Plu-
his Quest.
mentions to be used in Nuptials. (b) The dressing of the
Bridegroom (with the Ancients) was chiefly noted in that, Quòd ton-
deretur. Ju. Sat.
5. Jamque à Tonsore Magistro Pecteris. And Lucan.
2. where he makes Cato negligent of the Ceremonies in Marriage,
saith, Ille nec horrificam sancto dimovit ab ore Cæsariem.

   On the other hand, entred Hymen (the god of
Marriage) in a Saffron-colour'd Robe, his un-
der Vestures white, his Socks yellow, a yellow
Veil of Silk on his left Arm, his Head crowned
with Roses, and (c) Marjoram, in his right hand a      
Torch of (d) Pine-Tree.

(c) See
how he is
call'd out,
by Catullus in Nup. Jul. & Manl. Cinge tempora floribus Suave olentis
&c. (d) For so I preserve the reading, there in Catul. Pi-
neam quate tædam,
rather than to change it Spineam; and moved by
the Authority of Virg. in Ciri. where he says, Pronuba nec castos incen-
det Pinus amores.
And Ovid. Fast. lib. 2. Expectet puros pinea Tæda
Though I deny not, there was also Spinea Tæda, which Pliny
calls Nuptiarum facibus auspicatissimam, Nat. Hist. lib. 16. cap. 18. and
whereof Sextus Pompeius Fest. hath left so particular testimony. For
which, see the following Note.

U u 2                                 After 

332 Masques.                    

   After him (a) a Youth, attired in white, bearing
another light, of white Thorn; under his Arm,
a little wicker Flasket shut: behind him two
others in white, the one bearing a Distaff, the
other a Spindle. Betwixt these a personated
Bride, supported, her Hair flowing, and loose,
sprinkled with grey; on her Head a Gyrland of
Roses, like a Turret; her Garments white: and
on her back, a Weather's fleece hanging down:
her Zone, or Girdle about her waste of white
Wooll, fastned with the Herculean knot.

(a) This
(by the
was called
quasi Mi-
so that
in the He-

and was
one of the
three, which by Sex. Pompei. Were said to be Patrimi & Matrimi,
Pueri prætextati tres, qui nubentem deducunt: Unus, qui facem præ-
fert ex spina alba, Duo qui tenent nubentem.
To which confer that of
Varro, lib. 6. de lingua Lat. Dicitur in Nuptiis Camillus, qui Cumerum
As also that of Fest. lib. 3. Cumeram vocabant Antiqui vas
quoddam quod opertum in Nuptiis ferebant, in quo erant nubentis uten-
silia, quod
& Camillum dicebant: eò quod sacrorum Ministrum kamil-
lon appellabant.

   In the midst went the (b) Auspices; after them,
two that sung, in several coloured Silks. Of
which, one bore the Water, the other the Fire:
last of all the (c) Musicians, diversly attired, all
crowned with Roses; and, with this Song be-
(b) Au-
those that
ed the
that wish-
ed them good luck: that took care for the dowry: and heard them
profess that they came together, for the cause of Children. Juven.
10. Veniet cum signatoribus Auspex. And, Lucan. lib. 2. Jun-
guntur taciti, contentique Auspice Bruto.
They were also stiled Pro-
nubi, Proxenetæ, Paranymphi.
(c) The Custom of Musick at Nup-
tials, is clear in all Antiquity. Ter. Adel. Act. 5. Verum hoc mihi mora
est, Tibicina,
& Hymenæum qui cantent. And Clau. in Epithal. Ducant
pervigiles carmina Tibiæ,

S O N G.

I D all Profane away;
 None here may stay
To view our Mysteries,
But, who themselves have been,
Or will, in time, be seen
The self-same Sacrifice.
For Union, Mistriss of these Rites,
Will be observ'd with Eyes,
As simple as her Nights.

Cho. { Fly then, all Profane, away,
Fly far off, as hath the Day;
Night her Curtain doth display,
And this is Hymen's Holy-day.

   The Song being ended, Hymen presented himself foremost;
and, after some sign of Admiration, began to speak.

H Y M E N.

Hat more than usual Light
 (Throughout the place extended)
   Makes Juno's Fane so bright!
Is there some greater Deity descended?

   Or reign, on earth, those Powers
So rich, as with their Beams
   Grace Union more than our's;
And bound her influence in their happier streams?

   'Tis so: this same is he,
The King, and Priest of Peace!
   And that his Empress, She,
That sits so crowned with her own increase!

   O you, whose better Blisses
Have prov'd the strict embrace
   Of Union, with chaste Kisses,
And seen it flow so in your happy Race;

[column break]

   That know, how well it binds
The fighting Seeds of Things,
   Wins Natures, Sexes, Minds,
And ev'ry Discord in true Musick brings:

   Sit now propitious Aids,
To Rites, so duely priz'd;
   And view two noble Maids,
Of different Sex, to Union sacrific'd.
       In honour of that blest Estate,
       Which all good Minds should celebrate.

   Here out of a Microcosm, or Globe, (figuring Man) with
a kind of contentious Musick, issued forth the first
Masque, of
eight Men.

   These represented the four (d) Humors, and four
Affections, all gloriously attired, distinguisht only by
their several
Ensigns and Colours; and, dancing
out on the Stage, in their return, at the end of their
Dance, drew all their Swords, offered to encompass 
Altar, and disturb the Ceremonies. At which,
Hymen troubled, spake:
(d) That
they were
ted in
Men, hath
come un-
der some
Exception. But there is more than Grammar to release it. For,
besides that Humores and Affectus are both Masculine in Genere, not
one of the Specials, but in some Language is known by a masculine
word. Again, when their Influences are common to both Sexes, and
more generally impetuous in the Male, I see not, why they should
not, so, be more properly presented. And, for the Allegory, though
here it be very clear, and such as might well escape a Candle, yet
because there are some, must complain of darkness, that have but
thick eyes, I am contented to hold them this Light. First, as in
natural Bodies, so likewise in Minds, there is no Disease, or Distemper-
ature, but is caused either by some abounding humor, or perverse
affection; after the same manner, in politick Bodies, (where Order,
Ceremony, State, Reverence, Devotion,
are parts of the Mind) by the
difference, or predominant Will of what we (metaphorically) call Hu-
and Affections, all things are troubled and confused. These,
therefore, were tropically brought in, before Marriage, as Disturbers
of that mystical Body, and the Rites, which were Soul unto it; that
afterwards, in Marriage, being dutifully tempered by her power, they
might more fully celebrate the happiness of such as live in that sweet
Union, to the harmonious Laws of Nature and Reason.

H Y M E N.

Ave, save the Virgins; keep your hallow'd Lights
 Untouch'd; and with their flame defend our Rites.
The four untemp'red Humors are broke out,
And, with their wild Affections, go about
To ravish all Religion. If there be
A Power, like Reason, left in that huge Body,
Or little world of Man, from whence these came,
Look forth, and with thy bright and (e) numerous flame  

Instruct their darkness, make them know, & see,
In wronging these, they have rebell'd 'gainst thee.
(e) Allu-
ding to
that opi-
nion of
held, all Reason, all Knowledge, all Discourse of the Soul to be meer
Number. See Plut. de Plac. Phil.

   Hereat, Reason, seated in the top of the Globe (as in the
brain, or highest part of
Man) figur'd in a venerable Perso-
nage, her hair white, and trayling to her waste, crowned with
light, her garments blue, and semined with stars, girded unto
her with a white bend, fill'd with
Arithmetical Figures, in one
hand bearing a Lamp, in the other a bright Sword, descended,
and spake:

R E A S O N.

Orbear your rude Attempt; what Ignorance
 Could yield you so prophane, as to advance     
One thought in Act, against these Mysteries?
Are Union's (f) Orgies of so slender price?

(f) Or-
gia, with
the Greeks value the same, that Ceremoniæ with the Latines; and im-
ply all sorts of Rites: howsoever (abusively) they have been made
particular to Bacchus. See Serv. to that of Virg. Æneid. 4. Qualis
commotis excita sacris Thyas.


                Masques. 333

She that makes Souls, with Bodies, mix in Love,
Contracts the World in one, and therein Jove;
Is (a) spring, and end of all things: yet, most strange!
Her self nor suffers spring, nor end, nor change.
No wonder, they were you, that were so bold;
For none but Humors and Affections would
Have dar'd so rash a Venture. You will say
It was your zeal, that gave your powers the sway;
And urge the masqued, and disguis'd pretence,
Of saving Blood, and succ'ring Innocence?
So want of knowledge, still begetteth Jars,
When humorous Earthlings will controll the Stars.
Inform your selves, with safer Reverence,
To these mysterious Rites, whose mystick Sence,
Reason (which all things, but it self, confounds)
Shall clear unto you, from th' authentic grounds.

(a) Mac. in
som. Scip.

   At this, the Humors and Affections sheathed their Swords,
and retired amazed to the sides of the Stage, while
Hymen be-
gan to rank the
Persons, and order the Ceremonies: And
Reason proceeded to speak.

R E A S O N.

H E Pair, which do each other side,
 Though (yet) some space doth them divide,       
This happy Night must both make one
Blest Sacrifice, to Union.
Nor is this Altar but a sign
Of one more soft, and more divine.
The (b) Genial Bed, where Hymen keeps
The solemn Orgies, void of sleeps:
And wildest Cupid, waking, hovers
With Adoration 'twixt the Lovers.
The Tead of white and blooming Thorn,
In token of Increase is born:
As (c) also, with the ominous light,
To fright all malice from the Night.
Like are the (d) fire, and water, set;
That, ev'n as moisture, mixt with heat,
Helps every natural Birth, to Life;
So, for their Race, join Man and Wife.
The (e) blushing veil shews shamefac'tness
Th' ingenious Virgin should profess
At meeting with the Man: Her hair,
That (f) flows so liberal, and so fair,
Is shed with grey, to intimate,
She entreth to a Matrons state.
For which those (g) Utensils are born.
And, that she would not labour scorn,
Her self a (h) snowy fleece doth wear,
And these her (i) rock and spindle bear,
To shew, that nothing, which is good,
Gives check unto the highest blood.
The (k) Zone of wooll about her waste,
Which, in contrary Circles cast,
Doth meet in one (l) strong knot, that binds,
Tells you, so should all married minds.
And lastly, these five waxen lights,
Imply perfection in the Rites;
For (m) five the special number is,
Whence hallow'd Union claims her bliss.
As being all the Sum, that grows
From the united strengths, of those
Which (n) male and female numbers we
Do stile, and are first two, and three.
Which, joined thus, you cannot sever
In equal parts, but one will ever
Remain as common; so we see
The binding force of Unity:

(b) Pro-
perly that,
was made
ready for
the new
Bride, and
was call'd
Genialis, à
liberis. Ser.
6. Æn.
(c) See
Ovid. Fast.
6. Sic
fatus, spi-
nam, quâ
tristes pel-
lere posset
A foribus
noxas, hæc
erat alba,

(d) Plutar.
in Quæst.
Var. lib. 4.
de ling.

(e) Plin.
Nat. Hist.
21. cap.
(f) Pomp.
Fest. Briss.
Hotto. de
Rit. Nup.

(g) Var.
6. de
ling. Lat.

and Fest. in

(h) Fest. ib.
(i) Plutar.
in Quæst.
& in

(k) Plin.
Nat. Hist. lib.
8. cap. 48. (l) That was Nodus Herculeanus, which
the Husband, at Night, untied, in sign of good Fortune, that he might
be happy in propagation of Issue, as Hercules was, who left Seventy
Children. See Fest. in Voc. Cingul. (m) Plutarch. in Quæst. Rom.
(n) See Mart. Capel. lib. 6. de Nupt. Phil. & Mer. in numero Pentade.

[column break]

For which alone, the peaceful gods
In number, always, love the odds;
And even parts as much despise,
Since out of them all discords rise.

   Here, the upper part of the Scene, which was all of Clouds,
and made artificially to swell, and ride like the Rack, began to

open; and, the Air clearing, in the top thereof was
(o) Juno, sitting in a Throne, supported by
two beautiful
(p) Peacocks; her Attire rich, and
like a
(q) Queen, a (r) white Diadem on her head,
from whence descended a Veil, and that bound with
(s) Fascia, of several coloured Silks, set with all
sorts of Jewels, and raised in the top with
(t) Lillies
Roses; in her right hand she held a Scepter, in
the other a Timbrel, at her golden feet the
(u) hide
of a Lion was placed: round about her sate the Spi-
rits of the Air, in several colours, making Musick:
Above her the
Region of Fire, with a continual
motion, was seen to whirl circularly, and
standing in the top (figuring the Heaven) bran-
dishing his thunder: Beneath her the
Rainbow, Iris,
and, on the two sides eight Ladies, attired richly, and
alike in the most celestial colours, who represented her
Powers, as she is the (x) Governess of Marriage,
and made the second
Masque. All which, upon the
Reason made Narration of.

(o) With
the Greeks,
ted to be
the Air it
self. And so
Macr. de
som. Scipio.
1. c. 17.
calls her.
Mar. Cap.
her Aëria,
of reign-
ing there.
(p) They
were sa-
cred to
Juno, in
respect of
their co-
lours, and
temper, so
like the Air. Ovid. de Arte Amand. Laudatas ostendit aves Junonia
And Met. lib. 2. Habili Saturnia curru ingreditur liquidum
pavonibus Æthera pictis.
(q) She was call'd Regina Juno with the
Latines, because she was Soror & Conjux Jovis, Deorum & hominum
(r) Read Apul. describing her, in his 10th. of the Ass. (s) Af-
ter the manner of the antique Bend, the varied colours implying the
several mutations of the Air, as Showres, Dews, Serenity, Force of
Winds, Clouds, Tempest, Snow, Hail, Lightning, Thunder, all which
had their Noises signified in her Timbrel: the Faculty of causing
these, being ascribed to her by Virg. Æneid. lib. 4. where he makes
her say, His ego nigrantem commista grandine nimbum Desuper infun-
& tonitru cœlum omne ciebo. (t) Lillies were sacred to Juno,
as being made white with her milk, that fell upon the earth, when Jove
took Hercules away, whom by stealth he had laid to her breast: the
Rose was also call'd Junonia. (u) So she was figur'd at Argos, as a
Stepmother, insulting on the Spoils of her two Privigni, Bacchus and
Hercules. (x) See Virg. Æneid. lib. 4. Junoni ante omnes cui vincla
jugalia curæ:
and in another place, Dant signum prima & Tellus, &
Pronuba Juno: And Ovid. in Phill. Epist. Junonemque terris quæ præ-
sidet alma Maritis.

R E A S O N.

N D see, where Juno, whose great Name
 Is Unio, in the Anagram,
Displays her glistering State, and Chair,
As she enlightned all the Air!
Hark how the charming Tunes do beat
In sacred Concords 'bout her Seat!
And lo! to grace what these intend,
Eight of her noblest powers descend,
Which are (y) enstil'd her faculties,
That govern nuptial Mysteries;
And wear those Masques before their Faces,                   
Lest, dazling Mortals with their Graces
As they approach them, all Mankind
Should be, like Cupid, strucken blind.
These Order waits for, on the ground,
To keep, that you should not confound
Their measur'd steps, which only move
About th' harmonious Sphere of Love.

(y) They
were all
eight cal-
led by par-
of Juno,
to her for
some pe-
in mar-
where af-
ter is
more fitly

   Their Descent was made in two great Clouds, that put
forth themselves severally, and (with one measure of time)
were seen to stoop, and fall gently down upon the earth. The
manner of their habits, came after some
Statues of Juno,
no less airy, than glorious. The dressings of their heads, rare; so
likewise of their feet: and all full of splendor, sovereignty, and
riches. Whil'st they were descending, this
Song was sung at the

S O N G.   

334 Masques.                    

S O N G.

Hese, these are they,
 Whom humor and affection must obey;
Who come to deck the genial Bower,
And bring, with them, the grateful Hower
That crowns such Meetings, and excites
The married Pair to fresh delights:
As Courtings, Kissings, Coyings, Oaths, and Vows,
Soft Whisperings, Embracements, all the Joyes,
And melting Toyes,
That chaster Love allows.
Haste, haste, for Hesperus his head down bows.

   The Song ended, they danced forth in pairs, and each pair with
a varied and noble grace; to a rare and full Musick of twelve
Lutes: led on by
Order, the Servant of Reason, who was,
there, rather a Person of
Ceremony, than Use. His Under-
Garment was blue, his Upper white, and painted full of
metical and Geometrical Figures; his Hair, and Beard
long, a Star on his forehead, and in his hand a
cal Staff: To whom, after the Dance, Reason spake.

R E A S O N.

Onvey them, Order, to their places,
 And rank them so, in several traces,
As they may set their mixed Powers
Unto the Musick of the Howers;
And These, by joining with them, know
In better temper how to flow:
Whil'st I (from their abstracted Names)
Report the Vertues of the Dames.
First (a) Curis comes to deck the Brides fair Tress.
Care of the Oyntments (b) Unxia doth profess.
(c) Juga, her Office to make one of twain:
(d) Gamelia sees that they should so remain.
Fair (e) Iterduca leads the Bride her way;
And (f) Domiduca home her steps doth stay;
(g) Cinxia the Maid, quit of her Zone, defends;
(h) Telia (for Hymen) perfects all, and ends.

(a) This
ceiv'd of
the Sa-
them, the
gave it
her: of
the Spear,
which (in the Sabine Tongue) was called Curis, and was that, which
they nam'd Hasta Cælibaris, which had stuck in the body of a slain
Sword-player, and wherewith the Brides head was drest, whereof
Fest. in voce Celibar, gives these Reasons, Ut quemadmodnmquemadmodum illa con-
juncta fuerit cum corpore Gladiatoris, sic ipsa cum viro sit; vel quia
Junonis Curitis in tutelâ sit, quæ ita appellabatur à ferenda
hasta: vel quòd fortes viros genituras ominetur; vel quod nuptiali
jure imperio viri subjicitur Nubens, quia Hasta summa armorum,
imperii est, &c. To most of which Plutarch in his Quest. Rom. con-
sents, but adds a better in Romul. That when they divided the Brides
hair with the point of the Spear, sumbolon einai tou meta machV kai
polemikwV ton prwton gamon genesqai
, it noted their first Nuptials
(with the Sabines) were contracted by force,
and as with enemies.
Howsoever, that it was a Custom with them, this of Ovid. Fast. lib.
2. confirms. Comat Virgineas hasta recurva comas. (b) For the Sur-
name of
Unxia, we have Mart. Capel. his testimony, De Nupt. Phil. &
Mercu. lib.
2. quòd unctionibus præest: As also Servius, libro quarto
where they both report it a fashion with the Romans, that
before the new-married Brides entred the Houses of their Husbands,
they adorned the Posts of the Gates with woollen Tawdries, or
Fillets, and anointed them with Oils, or the Fat of Wolves, and
Boars; being superstitiously possest that such Ointments had the vir-
tue of expelling evils from the Family: and thence were they
called Uxores, quasi Unxores. (c) She was named Juga, propter Ju-
(as Servius says) for the yoke which was impos'd, in Matrimo-
on those that were married, or (with Sex. Pomp. Fest.) quòd
Juges sunt ejusdem Jugi Pares, unde
& Conjuges, or in respect of the
Altar (to which I have declar'd before) sacred to Juno, in Vico Ju-
(d) As she was Gamelia, in sacrificing to her, they took
away the gall, and threw it behind the Altar; intimating, that (after
Marriage,comma should be replaced with a right parenthesis ')' there should be known, no bitterness, nor hatred between
the joined Couple, which might divide, or separate them: See Plu-
tarch. Connub. Præ.
This Rite I have some-where following toucht
at. (e) The title of Iterduca she had amongst them, quòd ad sponsi
ædes, sponsas comitabatur;
or was a Protectress of their Journy. Mart.
Capel. de. Nupt. Philolo.
& Mercur. libro secundo. (f) The like of
Domiduca, quòd ad optatas domus duceret. Mart. ibid. (g) Cinxia,
the same Author gives unto her, as the Defendress of Maids, when

[column break]

they had put of their Girdle, in the Bridal Chamber; To which,
Festus. Cinxiæ Junonis nomen sanctum habebatur in Nuptiis, quòd
initio Conjugii, solutio erat Cinguli, quo nova Nupta erat cincta.
Arnobius, a Man most learned in their Ceremonies, lib. 3. ad vers.
saith, Unctionibus superest Unxia. Cingulorum Cinxia replica-
(h) Telia signifies Perfecta, or, as some translate it, Perfectrix;
with Jul. Pol. lib. 3. Ononast. hra teleia values Juno! Præses
who saith, the Attribute depends of teleioV, which
(with the Ancients) signified Marriage, and thence, were they call'd
teleioi that entred into the state. Servius interprets it the same with
Gamelia, Æneid. 4. ad verb. Et Junone secundâ. But it implies much
more, as including the Faculty too mature and perfect. See the Greek
Scholiaste on Pind. Nem. in Hym. ad Thyæum Uliæ filium Argi. te-
leioV de o gamoV dia to kataskeuazein thn teleiothta tou biou
that is, Nuptials are therefore call'd teleioi, because they effect Per-
fection of Life,
and do note that maturity which should be in Ma-
trimony. For before Nuptials, she is called Juno parqenoV, that
is, Virgo; after Nuptials, teleia, which is Adulta, or Perfecta.

   By this time, the Ladies were paired with the Men; and the
Sixteen rank'd forth, in order, to dance: and were with
the Song provok'd.

S O N G.                            

OW, now, begin to set
   Your spirits in active heat;
And, since your hands are met,
   Instruct your nimble Feet,
   In motions, swift, and meet,
The happy ground to beat:
Chor. { Whil'st all this Roof doth ring,
And each discording string,
With every varied voice,
In Union doth rejoice.

   Here, they danced forth a most neat and curious measure, full
Subtilty and Device; which was so excellently performed,
as it seemed to take away that
Spirit from the Invention, which
Invention gave to it: and left it doubtful, whether the
Forms flow'd more perfectly from the Author's brain, or their
feet. The strains were all notably different, some of them formed
Letters, very signifying to the name of the Bridegroom,
and ended in manner of a Chain, linking hands: To which,
this was spoken.

R E A S O N.

Uch was (i) the Golden Chain let down from Heaven; 
   And not those links more even,
Than these: so sweetly temper'd, so combin'd
   By Union, and refin'd.
Here no Contention, Envy, Grief, Deceit,
   Fear, Jealousie have weight;
But all is Peace, and Love, and Faith, and Bliss:
   What harmony like this?
The gall, behind the Altar quite is thrown;
   This Sacrifice hath none.
Now no Affections rage, nor Humors swell;
   But all composed dwell.
O Juno, Hymen, Hymen, Juno! who
   Can merit with you two?
Without your presence, Venus can do nought,
   Save what with shame is bought;
No Father can himself a Parent show,
   Nor any House with prosp'rous Issue grow.
O then! What Deities will dare
   With Hymen, or with Juno to compare?

(i) Men-
tioned by
have in-
all Allego-
Pla. in

stands it
to be the
while he
circles the
World in
his course,
all things
are safe,
and pre-
served: others vary it. Macrob. (to whose Interpretation, I am spe-
cially affected in my Allusion) considers it thus: in Sum. Scip. libr. 1.
cap. 14. Ergo cùm ex summo Deo mens, ex mente anima sit; anima
& condat, & vita compleat omnia quæ sequuntur, cunctaque hic
unus fulgor illuminet,
& in universis appareat, ut in multis speculis,
per ordinem positis, vultus unus; Cumque omnia continuis successionibus
se sequantur, degenerantia per ordinem ad imum meandi: invenietur
pressius intuenti à summo Deo usque ad ultimam rerum fæcem una
mutuis se vinculis religans,
& nusquam interrupta connexio. Et hæc est
Homeri Catena aurea, quam pendere de cœlo in terras Deum jussisse
To which strength and evenness of Connexion I have
not absurdly likened this uniting of Humors, and Affections, by the
sacred Powers of Marriage.


                Masques. 335

   The Speech being ended, they dissolv'd: and all took forth
other persons,
(Men, and Women) to dance other Measures,
Galliards, and Corranto's; the whil'st this Song importun'd
them to a fit remembrance of the time.

S O N G.

Hink, yet, how Night doth wast,
 How much of time is past,
         What more than winged haste
            Your selves would take,
         If you were but to taste
         The Joy, the Night doth cast
         (O might it ever last)
On this bright Virgin, and her happy make.

   Their Dances yet lasting, they were the second time impor-
tun'd, by Speech.

R E A S O N.

E E, see! the bright * Idalian Star,                         
 That lighteth Lovers to their War,
Complains, that you her influence lose;
While thus the Night-sports you abuse.
* Stella
when it
goes be-
fore the Sun, is call'd Phosphorus, or Lucifer; when it follows, Hespe-
or Noctifer (as Cat. translates it.) See Cic. 2. de Nat. Deor. Mar.
cap. de Nup. Phi.
& Mer. l. 8. The nature of this Star Pythagoras first
found out: and the present office Clau. expresseth in Fescen. Attollens
thalamis Idalium jubar dilectus Veneri nascitur Hesperus.

H Y M E N.

H E longing Bridegroom, * in the Porch,               
 Shews you again, the bated Torch;
And thrice hath Juno (a) mixt her ayre
With fire, to summon your repair.
* It was a
for the
Man to
there, ex-
pecting the approach of his Bride. See Hotto. de. Rit. Nupt.
   (a) Alluding to that of Virgil. Æneid. 4. Prima & Tellus, & Pro-
Juno Dant signum: fulsere ignes, & conscius æther Connubii, &c.

R E A S O N.

E E, now she clean withdraws her light;
 And (as you should) gives place to Night,
That spreads her broad, and blackest wing
Upon the World, and comes to bring
A * thousand several colour'd Loves,
Some like Sparrows, some like Doves,
That hop about the Nuptial-room,
And flutt'ring there (against you come)
Warm the chaste Bowre, which (b) Cypria strows, 
With many a Lilly, many a Rose.

* Stat. in
Epit. Ful-
cra, torosq;
deæ, tene-
rum pre-
mit agmen

And Claud.
in Epith. Pennati passim pueri, quo quemq; vocavit umbra, jacent.
which, prove the Ancients feign'd many Cupids. Read also Prop.
29. l. 2.
   (b) Venus is so induced by Stat. Claud. and others, to celebrate

H Y M E N.

Aste therefore, haste, and call, away:
 The gentle Night is prest to pay
The Usury of long Delights,
She owes to these protracted Rites.

   At this (the whole Scene being drawn again, and all cover'd
with Clouds, as a
Night) they left off their intermixed Dan-
ces, and return'd to their first places; where, as they were but
beginning to move, this Song, the third time, urg'd them.

S O N G.

 Know to end, as to begin:
 A minutes loss, in Love, is Sin.

[column break]

These humors will the Night out-wear
In their own pastimes here;
You do our Rites much wrong,
In seeking to prolong
These outward Pleasures:
The Night hath other Treasures
Than these (thô long conceal'd)
Ere day, to be reveal'd.
Then, know to end, as to begin;
A minutes loss, in Love, is sin.

   Here they danc'd their last Dances, full of excellent delight
and change, and, in their latter strain, fell into a fair
Orb or
Circle; Reason standing in the midst, and speaking.

R E A S O N.

Ere stay, and let your Sports be crown'd:
 The perfect'st Figure is the round.
Nor fell you in it by Adventer,
When Reason was your Guide, and Center.
This, this that beauteous * Ceston is
Of Lovers many-colour'd bliss.
Come Hymen, make an inner Ring,
And let the Sacrificers sing;
Cheer up the faint, and trembling Bride,
That quakes to touch her Bridegroom's side:
Tell her, what Juno is to Jove,
The same shall be to her Love;
His Wife: which we do rather measure
A (c) name of Dignity, than Pleasure.
Up Youths, hold up your lights in Air,
And shake abroad (d) their flaming Hair.
Now move united, and, in gate,
As you (in pairs) do front the state,
With grateful honours, thank his grace
That hath so glorified the place:
And as, in Circle, you depart
Link'd hand in hand; So, heart in heart,
May all those Bodies still remain
Whom he (with so much sacred pain)
No less hath bound within his Realms
Than they are with the Oceans streams.
Long may his Union find increase
As he, to ours, hath deign'd his peace.

* Venus
ed by Ho-
mer. Ili.
which was
feign'd to
be vari-
with the
and in it
Love, De-
sire, Sweet-
ness, soft
ness, Per-

and all
the Powers
of Venus.
(c) See the
words of
Ælius ve-
rus, in

(d) So Cat.
in Nupt. Jul.
& Manlii hath it. Viden', ut faces splendidas qua-
tiunt comas?
and by and by after, aureas quatiunt comas.

   With this, to a soft strain of Musick, they pac'd once about,
in their
Ring, every pair making their Honours, as they came be-
fore the Statc:State and then dissolving, went down in Couples, led
on by
Hymen, the Bride, and Auspices following, as to the
Nuptial Bower. After them, the Musicians with this Song,
of which, then, onely one
staffe was sung; but because I made
it both in
Form, and Matter to emulate that kind
of Poem, which was call'd * Epithalamium, and
(by the Ancients) us'd to be sung, when the
was led into her Chamber, I have here set it down
whole: and do heartily forgive their ignorance whom 
it chanceth not to please. Hoping, that
nemo doctus
me jubeat Thalassionem verbis dicere non Tha-
* It had
the name
à Thala-
mo, dictum
est, autem,

primo suo
para to qalein ama, quod est simul genialem vitam
agere. Scal. in Poet.

E P I T H A L A M I O N.

Lad time is at his point arriv'd,
 For which Loves hopes were so long-liv'd.
   Lead Hymen, lead away;
   And let no Object stay,
   Nor Banquets (but sweet Kisses)
   The Turtles from their Blisses.
* 'Tis               

336 Masques.                    

   * 'Tis Cupid calls to arm;
   And this his last alarm.
Shrink not, soft Virgin, you will love,
Anon, what you so fear to prove.
   This is no killing War,
   To which you pressed are;
   But fair and gentle strife
   Which Lovers call their life.
   'Tis Cupid cries to arm;
   And this his last alarm.
Help Youths, and Virgins, help to sing
The Prize, which Hymen here doth bring,
   And did so lately (a) rap
   From forth the Mother's lap,
   To place her by that side
   Where she must long abide.
   On Hymen, Hymen call,
   This Night is Hymen's all.
See, Hesperus is yet in view!
What Star can so deserve of you?
   Whose light doth still adorn
   Your Bride, that, e're the morn,
   Shall far more perfect be,
   And rise as bright as he;
   When (b) like to him)the left parenthesis '(' before 'b' is 
apparently doing double duty here her Name
   Is chang'd, but not her flame.
Haste, tender Lady, and adventer;
The covetous House would have you enter,         
   That it might wealthy be,
   And you, her (c) Mistriss see:
   Haste your own good to meet;
   And (d) lift your golden Feet
   Above the threshold, high,
   With prosperous augury.
Now, Youths, let go your pretty arms;
The place within chant's other Charms.
   Whose showers of Roses flow;
   And Violets seem to grow,
   Strew'd in the Chamber there,
   As Venus Mead it were.
   On Hymen, Hymen call,
   This Night is Hymen's all.
Good Matrons, that so well are known
To aged Husbands of your own,
   Place you our Bride to Night;
   And * snatch away the light:
   That (e) she not hide it dead
   Beneath her Spouse's Bed;
   Nor (f) he reserve the same
   To help the funeral flame.
So, now you may admit him in;
The Act he covets, is no sin,
   But chaste, and holy Love,
   Which Hymen doth approve:
   Without whose hallowing Fires
   All Aims are base desires.
   On Hymen, Hymen call,
   This Night is Hymen's all.
Now, free from vulgar spight, or noise,
May you enjoy your mutual joys;
   Now, you no Fear controuls,
   But lips may mingle Souls;
   And soft embraces bind,
   To each, the others mind:
   Which may no power nntie,untie
   Till one, or both must die.

* This Po-
em had
for the
most part
Versum in-
that not
one, but
times va-
ried, and
in the
same Song,
as in ours
you shall
find ob-
(a) The
Bride was
fain'd, to
be ravi-
shed, ex
(if she
ex proxi-
mâ necessi-
cause that
had suc-
well to
who, by
force gat
Wives for
him, and
his, from
the Sa-
Fest. and
that of
Catul. Qui
rapis tene-
ram ad

(b) When
he is Phos-
the same
Star, as I
have no-
ted be-
(c) At the
of the
Bride, the
was to
give her
the keys,
to signifie
that she
was abso-
lute Mi-
the place,
and the
whole dis-
position of the Family at her care, Fest. (d) This was also another
Rite: that she might not touch the threshold as she entred, but was
lifted over it. Servius saith, because it was sacred to Vesta, Plut. in
Quæst. Rom.
remember divers causes. But that, which I take to come
nearest the truth, was only the avoiding of Sorcerous Drugs, us'd by
Witches to be bury'd under that place, to the destroying of Mar-
-Amity, or the Power of Generation. See Alexand. in Genialibus
and Christ. Landus upon Catul. *For this, look Fest. in Voc. Rapi.
(e f) Quo utroq; mors propinqua alterius ultrius captari putatur, Fest. ib.

[column break]

And, look, before you yield to slumber,
That your delights be drawn past number;
   "Joys, got with strife, increase.
   Affect no sleepy peace;
   But keep the Bride's fair Eyes
   Awake, with her own cryes,
   Which are but Maiden-fears:
   And Kisses dry such tears.
Then, coin them, 'twixt your lips so sweet,
And let not Cockles closer meet;
   Nor may your murmuring Loves
   Be drown'd by * Cypris Doves:
   Let Ivy not so bind
   As when your Arms are twin'd:
   That you may both, e're day,
   Rise perfect every way.
And Juno, whose great powers protect
The Marriage-bed, with good effect
   The labour of this night
   Bless thou, for future light:
   And, thou, thy happy charge,
   Glad (g) Genius, enlarge;
   That they may both, e're day,
   Rise perfect every way.
And (h) Venus, thou, with timely Seed
(Which may their after-comforts breed)
   Inform the gentle Womb;
   Nor, let it prove a Tomb:
   But, e're ten Moons be wasted,
   The Birth, by Cynthia hasted.
   So may they both, e're day,
   Rise perfect every way.
And, when the Babe to light is shown,
Let it be like each Parent known;
   Much of the Father's Face,
   More of the Mother's Grace;
   And either Grandsire's Spirit,
   And Fame let it inherit.
   That Men may bless th'Embraces,
   That joined to such Races.
Cease Youths, and Virgins, you have done;      
Shut fast the door: And, as they soon
   To their perfection haste,
   So may their ardors last.
   So eithers strength out-live
   All loss that Age can give:
   And, though full years be told,
   Their Forms grow slowly old.

* A fre-
quent Sur-
Venus, not
of the
place, as
but quòd
parere fa-
to kuein

and the
on Homer,
See them.
(g) Deus
sive gig-
is the
same in
the Male,
as Juno in
the Fe-
Hence Ge-
nialis Le-
ctus, qui
in hono-
rem Genii.
Fest. Geni-
us meus,
quia me

(h) She
hath this
given her,
by all the
Ancients. See Hom. Iliad. q. Lucret. in prim. Vir. in 2. Georg.

Itherto extended the first Nights Solemnity, whose
 grace in the execution, left not where to add unto
it, with wishing: I mean, (nor do I court them) in those,
that sustain'd the nobler parts. Such was the exquisite per-
formance, as (beside the pomp, splendor, or what we may
call apparelling of such Presentments) that alone (had all
else been absent) was of power to surprize with delight,
and steal away the Spectators from themselves. Nor was
there wanting whatsoever might give to the Furniture, or
Complement; either in Riches, or strangeness of the Habits,
delicacy of Dances, magnificence of the Scene, or divine
rapture of Musick. Only the envy was, that it lasted not
still, or (now it is past) cannot by imagination, much
less description, be recovered to a part of that Spirit it
had in the gliding by.
   Yet, that I may not utterly defraud the Reader of his
hope, I am drawn to give it those brief touches, which
may leave behind some shadow of what it was: And first
of the Attires.
   That, of the Lords, had part of it (for the fashion) ta-
ken from the antique Greek Statue; mixed with some mo-
additions: which made it both graceful, and strange.
On their heads they wore Persick Crowns, that were with

                Masques. 337

scroles of gold-plate turn'd outward, and wreath'd about
with a carnation and silver net-lawn; the one end of which
hung carelesly on the left shoulder; the other was trick'd
up before, in several degrees of folds, between the plates,
and set with rich Jewels, and great Pearl. Their bodies
were of carnation cloth of silver, richly wrought, and cut
to express the naked, in manner of the Greek Thorax; girt
under the breasts with a broad belt of cloth of gold, em-
broidered, and fastened before with Jewels: Their Labels
were of white cloth of silver, lac'd, and wrought curiously
between, suitable to the upper half of their sleeves; whose
nether parts, with their bases, were of watchet cloth of
silver, chev'rond all over with lace. Their Mantils were of
several colour'd silks, distinguishing their qualities, as they
were coupled in pairs; the first, sky colour; the second,
pearl colour; the third, flame colour; the fourth, tawny: and
these cut in leafs, which were subtilly tack'd up, and em-
broidered with Oo's, and between every rank of leafs, a
broad silver lace. They were fastened on the right shoul-
der, and fell compass down the back in gracious folds, and
were again tied with a round knot, to the fastning of their
Swords. Upon their legs they wore silver Greaves, an-
swering in work to their Labels; and these were their ac-

   The Ladies attire was wholly new, for the invention, and
full of glory; as having in it the most true impression of
a celestial figure: the upper part of white cloth of silver,
wrought with Juno's birds and fruits; a loose under-gar-
ment, full gather'd, of carnation, strip'd with silver, and
parted with a golden Zone: beneath that, another flowing
garment, of watchet cloth of silver, lac'd with gold;
through all which, though they were round, and swelling,
there yet appeared some touch of their delicate lineaments,
preserving the sweetness of proportion, and expressing it self
beyond expression. The attire of their heads did answer,
if not exceed; their hair being carelesly (but yet with
more art, than if more affected) bound under the circle
of a rare and rich Coronet, adorn'd with all variety, and
choice of Jewels; from the top of which, flow'd a tran-
sparent veil, down to the ground; whose verge, returning
up, was fastned to either side in most sprightly manner.
Their shooes were azure, and gold, set with Rubies and
Diamonds; so were all their garments; and every part
abounding in ornament.
   No less to be admir'd, for the grace, and greatness, was
the whole Machine of the Spectacle, from whence they
came: the first part of which was a M I K R O K O S M O S,
or Globe, fill'd with Countries, and those gilded; where
the Sea was exprest, heightned with silver Waves. This
stood, or rather hung (for no Axel was seen to support
it) and turning softly, discover'd the first Masque (as we
have before, but too runningly declared) which was of
the Men, sitting in fair composition, within a Mine of several
metals: To which, the lights were so placed, as no one
was seen; but seemed, as if only Reason, with the splen-
dor of her Crown, illumin'd the whole Grot.
   On the sides of this (which began the other part) were
placed two great Statues, feigned of gold, one of Atlas, the
other of Hercules, in varied postures, bearing up the
Clouds, which were of Releve, embossed, and tralucent, as
Naturals: To these, a cortine of painted Clouds joined,
which reach'd to the utmost roof of the Hall; and sud-
denly opening, reveal'd the three Regions of Air: In the
highest of which, sate Juno, in a glorious throne of gold,
circled with Comets, and fiery Meteors, engendred in that
hot and dry Region; her feet reaching to the lowest:
where, was made a Rainbow, and within it, Musicians seat-
ed, figuring airy spirits, their habits various, and resemb-
ling the several colours, caused in that part of the Air by
reflexion. The midst was all of dark and condensed
Clouds, as being the proper place, where Rain, Hail, and
other watry Meteors are made; out of which, two con-
cave clouds, from the rest, thrust forth themselves (in na-
ture of those Nimbi, wherein, by Homer, Virgil, &c. the

[column break]

gods are feign'd to descend) and these carried the eight
Ladies, over the heads of the two Terms;
(a) Atlas               
and Her-
(a) who (as the Engine mov'd) seem'd also
to bow themselves (by vertue of their sha-
dows) and discharge their shoulders of their
glorious burden: when, having set them on
the earth, both they and the Clouds gathered
themselves up again, with some rapture of the
   But that, which (as above in place, so in the beauty)
was most taking in the Spectacle, was the sphere of fire, in
the top of all, encompassing the Air, and imitated with
such art and industry, as the Spectators might discern the
Motion (all the time the Shews lasted) without any Mo-
ver; and that so swift, as no Eye could distinguish any
colour of the light, but might form to it self Five hundred
several hews, out of the tralucent body of the Air, ob-
jected betwixt it, and them.
   And this was crowned with a Statue of Jupiter, the
N the next Night, whose Solemnity was of Barriers (all
 mention of the former being utterly removed and
taken away) there appeared, at the lower end of the Hall,
a Mist made of delicate Perfumes; out of which (a
Battel being sounded under the Stage) did seem to break
forth two Ladies, the one representing Truth, the other
Opinion; but both so alike attired, as they could by no
Note be distinguished. The colour of their Garments was
blue, their Socks white; they were crown'd with wreaths
of Palm, and in their hand, each of them sustained a Palm-
bough. These, after the Mist was vanisht, began to examine
each other curiously with their Eyes, and approaching the
State, the one expostulated the other in this manner.

T R U T H.

H O art thou, thus that imitat'st my Grace,
 In Steps, in Habit, and resembled Face?

O P I N I O N.

(a) Truth
is feigned
to be the
of Saturn:
who, in-
deed, with
the An-
cients, was
no other
than Time,
and so his
Name al-
ludes, Kro-
. Plut.
in Quæst.

To which
confer the

agei de
proV fwV
thn alhqei-
an cro-
Grave (a) Time, and Industry my Parents are;
My Name is Truth, who thrô the sounds of War
(Which figure the wise minds discursive fightsight)
In Mists by Nature wrapt, salute the Light.

                  T R U T H.

I am that Truth, thou some illusive Spright;
Whom to my likeness, the black Sorceress Night
Hath of these dry, and empty Fumes created.

                  O P I N I O N.

Best Herald of thine own birth, well related:
Put me and mine to proof of Words, and Facts,
In any question this fair hour exacts.

                  T R U T H.

I challenge thee, and fit this time of Love,
With this Position, which Truth comes to prove;
That the most honour'd state of Man and Wife,
Doth far exceed th'insociate Virgin-life.

O P I N I O N.

I take the adverse part; and she that best
Defends her side, be Truth by all confest.

T R U T H.

It is confirm'd. With what an equal brow,
To Truth, (b) Opinion's Confident! and how,            
(b) Hippo-
in a
certain Epistle to Philopœm. describeth her, Mulierem, quæ non mala
videatur, sed audacior aspectu
& concitatior. To which, Cæsare Ripa
in his Iconolog. alludeth, in these words, Faccia, ne bella, ne dispiacevole,

X x                                     Like 

338 Masques.                    

Like Truth, her habit shews to sensual eyes!
But whoso'ere thou be, in this disguise,
Clear Truth, anon, shall strip thee to the heart;
And shew how meer phantastical thou art.
   Know then, the first production of things,
Required two; from meer one nothing springs:
Without that knot, the Theam thou gloriest in,
(Th'unprofitable Virgin) had not bin.
The golden Tree of Marriage began
In Paradise, and bore the fruit of Man;
On whose sweet branches Angels sate, and sung,
And from whose firm root all Societie sprung.
Love (whose strong virtue wrapt Heav'ns Soul in earth,
And made a Woman glory in his birth)
In Marriage, opens his inflamed brest;
And, lest in him Nature should stifled rest,
His genial fire about the world he darts;
Which lips with lips combines, and hearts with hearts.
Marriage Love's Object is; at whose bright eyes
He lights his Torches, and calls them his Skies.
For her, he wings his shoulders; and doth flie
To her white bosom, as his Sanctuary:
In which no lustful finger can prophane him,
Nor any Earth, with black Eclipses wane him.
She makes him smile in sorrows, and doth stand
'Twixt him, and all wants, with her silver hand.
In her soft locks, his tender feet are ti'de;
And in his fetters he takes worthy pride.
And as Geometricians have approv'd
That Lines, and Superficies are not mov'd
By their own Forces, but do follow still
Their bodies motions; so the self-lov'd Will
Of Man, or Woman, should not rule in them,
But each with other wear the Anademe.
Mirrors, though deckt with diamants, are nought worth
If the like forms of things they set not forth;
So Men or Women are worth nothing, neither,
If either eyes and hearts present not either.

O P I N I O N.

Untoucht Virginity, laugh out; to see
Freedom in fetters plac'd, and urg'd 'gainst thee.
What griefs lie groaning on the nuptial Bed?
What dull Society? In what sheets of lead
Tumble, and toss the restless married pair,
Each, oft, offended with the others air?
From whence springs all-devouring avarice,
But from the cares, which out of wedlock rise?
And, where there is in life's best-tempred fires
And end, set in it self to all desires,
A setled quiet, freedom never checkt;
How far are married lives from this effect?
Euripus (a), that bears Ships, in all their pride,
'Gainst roughest winds, with violence of his tide,
And ebbs, and flows, seven times in every day,
Toyls not more turbulent, or fierce than they.
And then, what Rules Husbands prescribe their Wives!

In their eyes circles, they must bound their lives.
The Moon, when farthest from the Sun she shines,
Is most refulgent; nearest, most declines:
But your poor Wives far off must never rome,
But waste their beauties, near their Lords at home:
And when their Lords range out, at home must hide
(Like to beg'd Monopolies) all their pride.
When their Lords list to feed a serious fit,
They must be serious; when to shew their wit
In jests and laughter, they must laugh and jest;
When they wake, wake; and when they rest, must rest.

And to their Wives Men give such narrow scopes,
As if they meant to make them walk on ropes:
No tumblers bide more peril of their necks
In all their tricks; than Wives in Husbands checks.

(a) A nar-
row Sea,
Aulis, a
Port of
and the
Isle Eu-
Pom. Me-
la. lib.

[column break]

Where Virgins, in their sweet, and peaceful state,
Have all things perfect; spin their own free fate;
Depend on no proud second; are their own
Center, and Circle; Now, and always one.
To whose Example, we do still hear nam'd
One God, one Nature, and but one World fram'd,
One Sun, one Moon, one Element of Fire,
So, of the rest; one King, that doth inspire
Soul, to all Bodies, in their Royal Sphere:

T R U T H.

And where is Marriage more declar'd, than there?
Is there a Band more strict, than that doth tie
The Soul, and Body, in such Unity?
Subjects to Sovereigns? doth one mind display
In th'one's obedience, and the others sway?
Believe it, Marriage suffers no compare,
When both Estates are valu'd, as they are.
The Virgin were a strange, and stubborn thing,
Would longer stay a Virgin, than to bring
Her self fit use, and profit in a Make.

O P I N I O N.

How she doth err! and the whole Heav'n mistake!
Look, how a Flower that close in Closes grows,
Hid from rude Cattel, bruised with no Ploughs,
Which th'Air doth stroke, Sun strengthen, showres shoot higher,
It many Youths, and many Maids desire;
The same, when cropt by cruel hand is wither'd,
No Youths at all, no Maidens have desir'd:
So a Virgin, while untoucht she doth remain,
Is dear to hers; but when with bodies stain
Her chaster flower is lost, she leaves to appear
Or sweet to Young-men, or to Maidens dear.
That Conquest then may crown me in this War;
Virgins, O Virgins, flie from Hymen far.

T R U T H.

   Virgins, O Virgins, to sweet Hymen yield,
For as a-lone Vine, in a naked Field,
Never extols her branches, never bears
Ripe grapes, but with a head-long heaviness wears
Her tender body, and her highest sproot
Is quickly levell'd with her fading root;
By whom no Husband-men, no Youths will dwell;
But if, by fortune, she be married well
To th'Elm, her Husband, many Husband-men
And many Youths inhabit by her, then:
So whilst a Virgin doth, untoucht, abide
All unmanur'd, she grows old, with her pride;
But when to equal wedlock, in fit time,
Her fortune, and endevour lets her clime,
Dear to her Love, and Parents she is held.
Virgins, O Virgins, to sweet Hymen yield.

O P I N I O N.

These are but words; hast thou a Knight will try
(By stroke of Arms) the simple Verity?

T R U T H.

To that high proof I would have dared thee.
I'le straight fetch Champions for the Bride and me.

O P I N I O N.

The like will I do for Virginity.

   Here, they both descended the Hall, where at the lower end, a
March being sounded with Drums and Fifes, there entred (led
forth by the
Earl of Notingham, who was Lord-high Con-
stable for that Night, and the Earl of Worc'ster, Earl Mar-

                Masques. 339

shal) Sixteen Knights armed, with Pikes, and Swords; their
Plumes, and Colours,
Carnation and White; all richly accou-
tred, and making their Honours to the
State, as they march'd by
in pairs, were all rank'd on one side of the
Hall. They plac'd
Sixteen others like accoutred for Riches, and Arms, only that
their Colours were varied to
Watchet, and White; who were
by the same
Earls led up, and passing in like manner, by the
State, plac'd on the opposite side.

   By this time, the Bar being brought up,
Truth proceeded.

T R U T H.

Now join; and if this varied trial fail,
To make my Truth in Wedlock's praise prevail,
I will retire, and in more power appear;
To cease this strife, and make our Question clear.

   Whereat Opinion insulting, followed her with this Speech.

O P I N I O N.

I, do: it were not safe thou shouldst abide:
This speaks thy name, with shame to quit thy side.

   Here the Champions on both sides addrest themselves for fight,
first single; after three to three: and performed it with that ala-
crity, and vigor, as if
Mars himself had been to triumph before
Venus, and invented a new Masque. When on a sudden, (the
last six having scarcely ended) a striking light seem'd to fill all
the Hall, and out of it an
Angel or Messenger of Glory ap-

A N G E L.

Rinces, attend a tale of height, and wonder,
 Truth is descended in a second thunder,
And now will greet you, with judicial state,
To grace the Nuptial part in this debate;
And end with reconciled hands these Wars.
   Upon her head she wears a Crown of Stars,
Through which her orient hair waves to her waste,
By which believing Mortals hold her fast,
And in those golden Chordes are carried even,
Till with her breath she blows them up to Heaven.
She wears a Robe enchas'd with Eagles eyes,
To signifie her sight in Mysteries;
Upon each shoulder sits a milk-white Dove,
And at her feet do witty Serpents move:
Her spacious arms do reach from East to West,
And you may see her heart shine through her brest.
Her right hand holds a Sun with burning rayes,
Her left a curious bunch of golden keyes,
With which Heaven gates she locketh, and displays.

[column break]

A crystal mirror hangeth at her brest,
By which Mens Consciences are search'd, and drest:
On her Coach-wheels Hypocrisie lies rackt;
And squint-ey'd slander, with vain-glory backt
Her bright Eyes burn to dust: in which shines Fate.
An Angel ushers her triumphant gate,variant spelling of 'gait'
Whilst with her fingers fans of Stars she twists,
And with them beats back Error, clad in mists.
Eternal Unity behind her shines
That Fire, and Water, Earth, and Air combines.
Her voice is like a Trumpet loud, and shrill,
Which bids all sounds in Earth, and Heav'n be still.
And see! descended from her Chariot now,
In this related pomp she visits you.

T R U T H.

Onour to all, that honour Nuptials,
 To whose fair lot, in justice, now it falls,
That this my Counterfeit be here disclos'd,
Who, for Virginity hath her self oppos'd.
Nor, though my brightness do undo her Charms,
Let these her Knights think, that their equal Arms
Are wrong'd therein. "For Valure wins Applause
"That dares, but to maintain the weaker Cause.
And Princes, see, 'tis mere Opinion
That in Truth's forced Robe, for Truth hath gone!
Her gaudy colours, piec'd with many folds,
Shew what uncertainties she ever holds:
Vanish adult'rate Truth, and never dare
With proud Maids praise, to press where Nuptials are.
And Champions, since you see the Truth I held,
To Sacred Hymen, reconciled, yield:
Nor (so to yield) think it the least despight.
"It is a Conquest to submit a Right.
   This Royal Judge of our Contention
Will prop, I know, what I have under-gone;
To whose right Sacred Highness I resign
Low, at his feet, this Starry Crown of mine,
To shew, his Rule, and Judgment is Divine;
These Doves to him I consecrate withall,
To note his Innocence, without spot, or gall;
These Serpents, for his wisdom: and these Rays,
To shew his piercing splendor: these bright Keys,
Designing power to ope the ported Skies,
And speak their glories to his Subjects Eyes.
   Lastly, this heart, with which all hearts be true:
   And Truth in him make Treason ever rue.

   With this they were led forth, hand in hand, reconciled, as in
triumph; and thus the Solemnities ended.

Vivite concordes, & nostrum discite munus.

X x 2                                                   T H E

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