escape from some the Imputation of Sharpness, but that they will say, I have taken a pride, or lust, to be bitter, and not my youngest Instant but hath come into the World with all his Teeth; I would ask of these supercilious Politicks, What Nation, Society, or general Order or State I have provoked? What Publick Person? Whether I have not (in all these) preserv'd their Dignity, as mine own Person, safe? My Works are read, allow'd, (I speak of those are intirely mine) look into them: What broad Repoofs have I us'd? Where have I been particular? Where Personal? Except to a Mimick, Cheater, Bawd, or Buffon, Creatures (for their Insolencies) worthy to be tax'd? Yet to which of these so pointingly, as he might not either ingenuously have confest, or wisely dissembled his Disease? But it is not Rumour can make Men guilty, much less entitle me to other Mens Crimes. I know, that nothing can be so innocently writ or carried, but may be made obnoxious to Construction; marry, whilst I bear mine Innocence about me, I fear it not. Application is now grown a Trade with many; and there are that profess to have a Key for the decyphering of every thing: But let Wise and Noble Persons take heed how they be too credulous, or give leave to these invading Interpreters to be over-familiar with their Fames, who cunningly, and often, utter their own virulent Malice, under other Mens simplest Meanings. As for those that will (by Faults which Charity hath rak'd up, or common Honesty conceal'd) make themselves a Name with the Multitude, or (to draw their rude and beastly Claps) care not whose living Faces they intrench with their petulant Styles, may they do it without a Rival, for me: I chuse rather to live grav'd in Obscurity, than share with them in so preposterous a Fame. Nor can I blame the Wishes of those severe and wise Patriots, who providing the Hurts these licentious Spirits may do in a State, desire rather to see Fools and Devils, and those antick Relicks of Barbarism retriv'd, with all other ridiculous and exploded Follies, than behold the Wounds of Private Men, of Princes and Nations. For, as Horace makes Trebatius speak, among these,
Sibi quisque timet, quanquam est intactus, & odit.
And Men may justly impute such Rages, if continu'd, to the Writer, as his Spots. The Increase of which Lust in Liberty, together with the present Trade of the Stage, in all their Masc'line Enterludes, what Learned or Liberal Soul doth not already abhor? Where nothing but the Filth of Time is utter'd, and that with such impropriety of Phrase, such plenty of Solcisms, such dearth of Sense, so bold Prolepses, so rack'd Metaphors, with Brothelry able to violate the Ear of a Pagan, and Blasphemy, to turn the Blood of a Christian to Water. I cannot but be serious in a Cause of this nature, wherein my Fame, and the Reputations of divers Honest and Learned are the Question; when a Name so full of Authority, Antiquity, and all great Mark, is (through their Insolence) become the lowest Scorn of the Age; and those Men subject to the Petulancy of every vernaculous Orator, that were wont to be the Care of Kings and happiest Monarchs. This it is that hath not only rap't me to present Indignation, but made me studious heretofore, and by all my Actions to stand off from them; which may most appear in this my latest Work (which you, most learned Arbitresses, have seen, judg'd, and to my Crown, approv'd) wherein I have labour'd, for their instruction and amendment, to reduce not only the ancient Forms, but Manners of the Scene, the Easiness, the Propriety, the Innocence, and last the Doctrine, which is the principal End of Poesie, to inform Men in the best Reason of living. And though my Catastrophe may, in the strict rigour of Comick Law, meet with Censure, as turning back to my Promise; I desire the Learned and Charitable Critick, to have so much faith in me, to think it was done of Industry: For, with what ease I could have varied it nearer his Scale (but that I fear to boast my own Faculty) I could here insert. But my special aim being to put the Snaffle in their Mouths, that cry out, we never punish Vice in our Enterludes, &c. I took the more liberty; though not without some Lines of Example, drawn even in the Ancients themselves, the Goings-out of whose Comdies are not always joyful, but oft-times the Bawds, the Servants, the Rivals, yea, and the Masters, are mulcted; and fitly, it being the Office of a Comick Poet to imitate Justice, and instruct to Life, as well as Purity of Language, or stir up gentle Affections: To which I shall take the occasion elsewhere to speak. For the present (most Reverenced Sisters) as I have car'd to be thankful for your Affections past, and here made the Understanding acquainted with some Ground of your Favours; let me not despair their Continuance, to the maturing of some worthier Fruits: Wherein, if my Muses be true to me, I shall raise the despis'd Head of Poetry again, and stripping her out of those rotten and base Rags wherewith the Times have adulterated her Form, restore her to her primitive Habit, Feature, and Majesty, and render her worthy to be embraced and kist of all the Great and Master-Spirits of our World. As for the Vile and Slothful, who never affected an Act worthy of Celebration, or are so inward with their own vicious Natures, as they worthily fear her, and think it a high Point of Policy to keep her in contempt with their declamatory and windy Invectives; she shall out of just rage incite her Servants (who are Genus iritabile) to spout Ink in their Faces, that shall eat farther than their Marrow, into their Fames; and not Cinnamus the Barber, with his Art, shall be able to take out the Brands; but they shall live, and be read, till the Wretches die, as Things worst deserving of Themselves in chief, and then of all Mankind.
The PERSONS of the PLAY.
VOLPONE, a Magnifico.
MOSCA, his Parasite.
VOLTORE, an Advocate.
CORACCIO, an old Gentleman.
CORVINO, a Merchant.
AVOCATORI, four Magistrates.
NOTARIO, the Register.
NANO, a Dwarf.
CASTRONE, an Eunuch.
PEREGRINE, a Gent. Traveller.
BONARIO, a young Gentleman.
FINE MADAM WOULD-BE, the Knight's Wife.
CELIA, the Merchant's Wife.
MERCATORI, three Merchants.
ANDROGYNO, a Hermaphrodite.
SERVITORE, a Servant.
The Scene V E N I C E.
The Principal C O M D I A N S were,